Although the X-11 was not originally developed as a forecasting method, it does establish a base from which good forecasts can be made. They are naturally of the greatest consequence to the manager, and, as we shall see, the forecaster must use different tools from pure statistical techniques to predict when they will occur. Part A presents the raw data curve. How shall we allocate our R&D resources over time? 3. When color TV bulbs were proposed as a product, CGW was able to identify the factors that would influence sales growth. From a strategic point of view, they should discuss whether the decision to be made on the basis of the forecast can be changed later, if they find the forecast was inaccurate. In concluding an article on forecasting, it is appropriate that we make a prediction about the techniques that will be used in the short- and long-term future. Others have discussed different ones.3. Second, and more formalistically, one can construct disaggregate market models by separating off different segments of a complex market for individual study and consideration. Project this growth rate forward over the interval to be forecasted. As necessary, however, we shall touch on other products and other forecasting methods. However, special flag signals like “substantially increased network color programming” are likely to come after the fact, from the planning viewpoint; and in general, we find, scientifically designed consumer surveys conducted on a regular basis provide the earliest means of detecting turning points in the demand for a product. Once these factors and their relationships have been clarified, the forecaster can build a causal model of the system which captures both the facts and the logic of the situation—which is, after all, the basis of sophisticated forecasting. Note the points where inventories are required or maintained in this manufacturing and distribution system—these are the pipeline elements, which exert important effects throughout the flow system and hence are of critical interest to the forecaster. They do not rely on any rigorous mathematical computations. Some of the techniques listed are not in reality a single method or model, but a whole family. We should note that when we developed these forecasts and techniques, we recognized that additional techniques would be necessary at later times to maintain the accuracy that would be needed in subsequent periods. The machine learning technology inside the tool analyzes how people are performing together as a team and optimizes the best route for them, counting the probability of project success in. The continuing declining trend in computer cost per computation, along with computational simplifications, will make techniques such as the Box-Jenkins method economically feasible, even for some inventory-control applications. We found this to be the case in forecasting individual items in the line of color TV bulbs, where demands on CGW fluctuate widely with customer schedules. In particular, when recent data seem to reflect sharp growth or decline in sales or any other market anomaly, the forecaster should determine whether any special events occurred during the period under consideration—promotion, strikes, changes in the economy, and so on. Because of lead-lag relationships and the ready availability of economic forecasts for the factors in the model, the effects of the economy on sales can be estimated for as far as two years into the future. These are statistical techniques used when several years’ data for a product or product line are available and when relationships and trends are both clear and relatively stable. The models will predict the behavior of consumers and forecast their reactions to various marketing strategies such as pricing, promotions, new product introductions, and competitive actions. Whereas it took black-and-white TV 10 years to reach steady state, qualitative expert-opinion studies indicated that it would take color twice that long—hence the more gradual slope of the color-TV curve. (In the next section we shall explain where this graph of the seasonals comes from. Our knowledge of seasonals, trends, and growth for these products formed a natural base for constructing the equations of the models. demand, this is the type of forecasting that is emphasized in our textbook and in this course.TYPES OF FORECASTING METHODS Qualitative methods: These types of forecasting methods are based on judgments, opinions, intuition, emotions, or personal experiences and are subjective in nature. Market research studies can naturally be useful, as we have indicated. Therefore, we conducted market surveys to determine set use more precisely. Within five years, however, we shall see extensive use of person-machine systems, where statistical, causal, and econometric models are programmed on computers, and people interacting frequently. As with time series analysis and projection techniques, the past is important to causal models. If the data are available, the model generally includes factors for each location in the flow chart (as illustrated in Exhibit II) and connects these by equations to describe overall product flow. The third uses highly refined and specific information about relationships between system elements, and is powerful enough to take special events formally into account. On the other hand, a component supplier may be able to forecast total sales with sufficient accuracy for broad-load production planning, but the pipeline environment may be so complex that the best recourse for short-term projections is to rely primarily on salespersons’ estimates. Part B shows the seasonal factors that are implicit in the raw data—quite a consistent pattern, although there is some variation from year to year. The forecaster thus is called on for two related contributions at this stage: The type of product under scrutiny is very important in selecting the techniques to be used. These predictions have been well borne out. Probabilistic models will be used frequently in the forecasting process. Typically, a causal model is continually revised as more knowledge about the system becomes available. The simulation output allowed us to apply projected curves like the ones shown in Exhibit VI to our own component-manufacturing planning. What are the alternative growth opportunities to pursuing product. In such cases, the best role for statistical methods is providing guides and checks for salespersons’ forecasts. See Harper Q. Assuming we were forecasting back in mid-1970, we should be projecting into the summer months and possible into the early fall. The economic inputs for the model are primarily obtained from information generated by the Wharton Econometric Model, but other sources are also utilized. The implications of these curves for facilities planning and allocation are obvious. It is occasionally true, of course, that one can be certain a new product will be enthusiastically accepted. As the chart shows, causal models are by far the best for predicting turning points and preparing long-range forecasts. Billing Type differentiates how Budget and Forecast Revenue are calculated from resources or from the Work Items themselves, so there are 2 methods used to generate revenue projection: Setting Fixed Price on the Work Item; Using Resource Billing Rates and setting non-Labor Budget Revenue Where the manager’s company supplies a component to an OEM, as Corning does for tube manufacturers, the company does not have such direct influence or control over either the pipeline elements or final consumer sales. The prices of black-and-white TV and other major household appliances in 1949, consumer disposable income in 1949, the prices of color TV and other appliances in 1965, and consumer disposable income for 1965 were all profitably considered in developing our long-range forecast for color-TV penetration on a national basis. While some companies have already developed their own input-output models in tandem with the government input-output data and statistical projections, it will be another five to ten years before input-output models are effectively used by most major corporations. When that is the case, the project manager should rely on trend forecasting - which is sometimes called "straight-line" forecasting. Tracking the two groups means market research, possibly via opinion panels. What’s Many new products have initially appeared successful because of purchases by innovators, only to fail later in the stretch. Forecasts that simply sketch what the future will be like if a company makes no significant changes in tactics and strategy are usually not good enough for planning purposes. Since projects are usually temporary rather than ongoing, with definitive start and end dates to construct a time frame during which project objectives are meant to be achieved, forecasting is an extremely important element of the initiation stages of project management. To estimate total demand on CGW production, we used a retail demand model and a pipeline simulation. All rights reserved. A graph of several years’ sales data, such as the one shown in Part A of Exhibit VII, gives an impression of a sales trend one could not possibly get if one were to look only at two or three of the latest data points. A company’s only recourse is to use statistical tracking methods to check on how successfully the product is being introduced, along with routine market studies to determine when there has been a significant increase in the sales rate. We have used it to provide sales estimates for each division for three periods into the future, as well as to determine changes in sales rates. While there can be no direct data about a product that is still a gleam in the eye, information about its likely performance can be gathered in a number of ways, provided the market in which it is to be sold is a known entity. 3. A manager generally assumes that when asking a forecaster to prepare a specific projection, the request itself provides sufficient information for the forecaster to go to work and do the job. Causal/Econometric Methods: This method assumes that it is possible to identify the underlying factors that might influence what is being forecasted. Harvard Business Publishing is an affiliate of Harvard Business School. The selection of a method depends on many factors—the context of the forecast, the relevance and availability of historical data, the degree of accuracy desirable, the time period to be forecast, the cost/ benefit (or value) of the forecast to the company, and the time available for making the analysis. Although statistical tracking is a useful tool during the early introduction stages, there are rarely sufficient data for statistical forecasting. Market tests and initial customer reaction made it clear there would be a large market for Corning Ware cookware. Exhibit I shows how cost and accuracy increase with sophistication and charts this against the corresponding cost of forecasting errors, given some general assumptions. We can best explain the reasons for their success by roughly outlining the way we construct a sales forecast on the basis of trends, seasonals, and data derived from them. The basic tools here are the input-output tables of U.S. industry for 1947, 1958, and 1963, and various updatings of the 1963 tables prepared by a number of groups who wished to extrapolate the 1963 figures or to make forecasts for later years. Tactical decisions on promotions, specials, and pricing are usually at their discretion as well. When black-and-white TV was introduced as a new product in 1948–1951, the ratio of expenditures on radio and TV sets to total expenditures for consumer goods (see column 7) increased about 33% (from 1.23% to 1.63%), as against a modest increase of only 13% (from 1.63% to 1.88%) in the ratio for the next decade. Where data are unavailable or costly to obtain, the range of forecasting choices is limited. 2. We have compared our X-11 forecasts with forecasts developed by each of several divisions, where the divisions have used a variety of methods, some of which take into account salespersons’ estimates and other special knowledge. The graph of change in growth thus provides an excellent visual base for forecasting and for identifying the turning point as well. Eventually we found it necessary to establish a better (more direct) field information system. How important is the past in estimating the future? The X-11 provides the basic instrumentation needed to evaluate the effects of such events. An important fact for you about project management methodologies: according to the PMI’s Pulse of the Profession,. We shall return to this point when we discuss time series analysis in the final stages of product maturity.). We find this true, for example, in estimating the demand for TV glass by size and customer. The flow chart should also show which parts of the system are under the control of the company doing the forecasting. In today’s project management world, forward-thinking managers and leaders don’t adhere to a single methodology—they become well-versed in … It should be applicable to data with a variety of characteristics. Now, a time series is a set of chronologically ordered points of raw data—for example, a division’s sales of a given product, by month, for several years. Again, see the gatefold for a rundown on the most common types of causal techniques. The interested reader will find a discussion of these topics on the reverse of the gatefold. Many of the techniques described are only in the early stages of application, but still we expect most of the techniques that will be used in the next five years to be the ones discussed here, perhaps in extended form. Before we begin, let us note how the situations differ for the two kinds of products: Many of the changes in shipment rates and in overall profitability are therefore due to actions taken by manufacturers themselves. Predicting the final project duration and/or cost of a project in progress, given the current project performance, is a crucial step during project control. In this case, there is considerable difficulty in achieving desired profit levels if short-term scheduling does not take long-term objectives into consideration. These factors must be weighed constantly, and on a variety of levels. We agree that uncertainty increases when a forecast is made for a period more than two years out. With these data and assumptions, we forecast retail sales for the remainder of 1965 through mid-1970 (see the dotted section of the lower curve in Exhibit V). Graph the rate at which the trend is changing. There are several approaches to resource forecasting, such as workload analysis, trend analysis, management judgment, etc. It also should be versatile enough so that when several hundred items or more are considered, it will do the best overall job, even though it may not do as good a job as other techniques for a particular item. That is, simulation bypasses the need for analytical solution techniques and for mathematical duplication of a complex environment and allows experimentation. Specifically, it is often useful to project the S-shaped growth curves for the levels of income of different geographical regions. Such points are called turning points. Basically, computerized models will do the sophisticated computations, and people will serve more as generators of ideas and developers of systems. One that does a reasonably good job of forecasting demand for the next three to six periods for individual items. How successful will different product concepts be? While the ware-in-process demand in the pipeline has an S-curve like that of retail sales, it may lag or lead sales by several months, distorting the shape of the demand on the component supplier. Forecasters commonly use this approach to get acceptable accuracy in situations where it is virtually impossible to obtain accurate forecasts for individual items. Statistical methods and salespersons’ estimates cannot spot these turning points far enough in advance to assist decision making; for example, a production manager should have three to six months’ warning of such changes in order to maintain a stable work force. Statistical methods provide a good short-term basis for estimating and checking the growth rate and signaling when turning points will occur. One that forecasts total bulb demand more accurately for three to thirteen periods into the future. See John C. Chambers, Satinder K. Mullick, and David A. Goodman, “Catalytic Agent for Effective Planning,” HBR January–February 1971, p. 110. To do this the forecaster needs to build. Stone and R.A. Rowe, “The Durability of Consumers’ Durable Goods,” Econometrica, Vol. This is the case for gas turbines, electric and steam automobiles, modular housing, pollution measurement devices, and time-shared computer terminals. Parts A, B, and C of Exhibit VII show the initial decomposition of raw data for factory sales of color TV sets between 1965 and mid-1970. Equally, during the rapid-growth stage, submodels of pipeline segments should be expanded to incorporate more detailed information as it is received. While the X-11 method and econometric or causal models are good for forecasting aggregated sales for a number of items, it is not economically feasible to use these techniques for controlling inventories of individual items. Between these two examples, our discussion will embrace nearly the whole range of forecasting techniques. It may be impossible for the company to obtain good information about what is taking place at points further along the flow system (as in the upper segment of Exhibit II), and, in consequence, the forecaster will necessarily be using a different genre of forecasting from what is used for a consumer product. Projections designed to aid profit planning. Analyses like input-output, historical trend, and technological forecasting can be used to estimate this minimum. This clarifies the relationships of interacting variables. The multi-page chart “Basic Forecasting Techniques” presents several examples of this type (see the first section), including market research and the now-familiar Delphi technique.1 In this chart we have tried to provide a body of basic information about the main kinds of forecasting techniques. To be sure, the manager will want margin and profit projection and long-range forecasts to assist planning at the corporate level. Econometric method: Perhaps the most sophisticated forecasting tool, the econometric method involves estimating quantitative relationship derived from economic theory. This means, your project forecasting has to adopt a certain fluidity in the way that it distinguishes between demand and capacity. We hope to give the executive insight into the potential of forecasting by showing how this problem is to be approached. Forecasting methods may be classified in the following categories: Time series Method: This method uses historical data to estimate future outcomes. Look at the project plan and all deliverables to create a detailed look at the skills that will be required to complete every activity. Going through all of these approaches is beyond the scope of this blog post. Ongoing control of the estimate reliability. When you initiate a new project, you're authorizing people to work under your auspices. For example, the type and length of moving average used is determined by the variability and other characteristics of the data at hand. Although we believe forecasting is still an art, we think that some of the principles which we have learned through experience may be helpful to others. Furthermore, the greatest care should be taken in analyzing the early sales data that start to accumulate once the product has been introduced into the market. This suggested to us that a better job of forecasting could be done by combining special knowledge, the techniques of the division, and the X-11 method. At this stage, management needs answers to these questions: Significant profits depend on finding the right answers, and it is therefore economically feasible to expend relatively large amounts of effort and money on obtaining good forecasts, short-, medium-, and long-range. Qualitative forecasting methods, often called judgmental methods, are methods in which the forecast is made subjectively by the forecaster. If the forecaster can readily apply one technique of acceptable accuracy, he or she should not try to “gold plate” by using a more advanced technique that offers potentially greater accuracy but that requires nonexistent information or information that is costly to obtain. The model incorporated penetration rates, mortality curves, and the like. The current rate and changes in the rate—“acceleration” and “deceleration”—constitute the basis of forecasting. Note: Scales are different for component sales, distributor inventories, and distributor sales, with the patterns put on the same graph for illustrative purposes. But before we discuss the life cycle, we need to sketch the general functions of the three basic types of techniques in a bit more detail. Once the manager has defined the purpose of the forecast, the forecaster can advise the manager on how often it could usefully be produced. Econometric models will be utilized more extensively in the next five years, with most large companies developing and refining econometric models of their major businesses. A causal model is the most sophisticated kind of forecasting tool. Deciding whether to enter a business may require only a rather gross estimate of the size of the market, whereas a forecast made for budgeting purposes should be quite accurate. Over a long period of time, changes in general economic conditions will account for a significant part of the change in a product’s growth rate. Granting the applicability of the techniques, we must go on to explain how the forecaster identifies precisely what is happening when sales fluctuate from one period to the next and how such fluctuations can be forecast. Each has its special use, and care must be taken to select the correct technique for a particular application. This reinforces our belief that sales forecasts for a new product that will compete in an existing market are bound to be incomplete and uncertain unless one culls the best judgments of fully experienced personnel. If this approach is to be successful, it is essential that the (in-house) experts who provide the basic data come from different disciplines—marketing, R&D, manufacturing, legal, and so on—and that their opinions be unbiased. For example, priority pattern analysis can describe consumers’ preferences and the likelihood they will buy a product, and thus is of great value in forecasting (and updating) penetration levels and rates. In sum, then, the objective of the forecasting technique used here is to do the best possible job of sorting out trends and seasonalities. The objective here is to bring together in a logical, unbiased, and systematic way all information and judgments which relate to the factors being estimated. For the illustration given in Exhibit VII, this graph is shown in. In 1965, we disaggregated the market for color television by income levels and geographical regions and compared these submarkets with the historical pattern of black-and-white TV market growth. Hence, two types of forecasts are needed: For this reason, and because the low-cost forecasting techniques such as exponential smoothing and adaptive forecasting do not permit the incorporation of special information, it is advantageous to also use a more sophisticated technique such as the X-11 for groups of items. Forecasting provides the knowledge of planning premises within which the managers can analyse their strengths and weaknesses and can take appropriate actions in advance before actually they are put out of market. Here we have used components for color TV sets for our illustration because we know from our own experience the importance of the long flow time for color TVs that results from the many sequential steps in manufacturing and distribution (recall Exhibit II). Still, the figures we present may serve as general guidelines. The costs of some procedures depend on whether they are being used routinely or are set up for a single forecast; also, if weightings or seasonals have to be determined anew each time a forecast is made, costs increase significantly. The forecasts using the X-11 technique were based on statistical methods alone, and did not consider any special information. There are three basic types—qualitative techniques, time series analysis and projection, and causal models. The next step was to look at the cumulative penetration curve for black-and-white TVs in U.S. households, shown in Exhibit V. 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