are you a redhead? Think that’s why insurance only allows 2/month -if word got out on the streets, they’d be selling it on street corners! From what I read about phase 2 meds….is it possible I have trouble with morphine? The latter is the standard dose used to treat for instance toothache, migraine and other half-decent pain conditions. Others have been very understanding (to be fair you can’t fake many of the side effects so they all should be understanding). Estimates suggest that up to 10% of the Caucasian population may be poor metabolisers and up to 10% may be ultra-rapid metabolisers 1 . Your email address will not be published. My new psychiatrist wants to do genotype testing. It belongs to one of the major group of liver enzymes that metabolize drugs (and other crap) that float around your system. I use to be on 3!e30 mg adders a day before I had the test but the psychiatrist just decided not to prescribe that any more do I went back to 2 30 mg a day which was horrible and would not stay in my system long at all. I, too, have just become aware of this. I’m pissed bc a doctor fucked me up and it is not fair i have to feel like a pos bc thats how they look at you. I have been trying to do so much research but do not know what to do in my case. I don’t think you’re an ultrametabolizer…. the frequencies of Ultra-rapid Metabolizers and Poor Metabolizers for CYP2D6 varied widely across the mestizo, Amerindian and Afro-Caribbean Costa Rican populations. I am A-, and as a point of intrest Tutancommon, King TUT came back as A-. “Hi. But if I don’t get any form of relief soon, I will end up killing myself… Not intentionally but mixing and matching all sorts of stuff, just to get at least 5 minutes of relief… :'(. To show the staff in the ER for example. So the only clue that I have is to move from morphine sulfate which I currently take to hydromorphone. When having surgery the usual general anesthetic meds don’t work they have to also give that poisonous gas… For reasons I will not go into, I have been prescribed both codeine and morphine, separately, at several occasions. They gave me 3 morphine IR/day, which worked better. These Doctors need to do more research on this!!!!! Do not change your medications without talking with your health care provider. I kept telling my mom the pain meds isnt working and nothing being able to be done… fast forward to me today, im constantly in pain and my pm keeps telling his np im to young for high levels of fentayl… i had 3 back surgeries and a 6mm kidney stone last year. However, pain relief may be inadequate in individuals who carry two inactive copies of CYP2D6(“poor metabolizers”), because of reduced morphine levels. Codeine needs to be broken down to work. If it’s not, you can pay out of pocket. He has just retired and I’m in search of a new doctor. Hydro-anythings are a little better, but not much relief. . You might want to get genetic testing from a company like “Genesight” to figure out what medications may work for you. But cannot figure out the morphine issue and doc cannot understand why I am on such a high dose and report high pain. As all of us know, most CYP2D6 people take very few drugs because they simply do not work. You may have had the CYP2D6test done for other reasons. Add to that, I have life-long PTSD and same goes for those medications. they make you feel like you’re only trying to seek out drugs, only because of all the drug abusers out there. So what medications do I need to avoid if an ultrametabolizer? I now suffer from Chronic Tendonitis and finding the medication that would dull the pain is Nil, how ever there is a medication that does lower the pain levels 2-3 places downward so an 8 or 9 day drops as low as a 5 or 6, the amount I have to take suck because I also have A.D.D. I refused further doses but the following 8 hours were awful, I never ever felt so sick in my life. in knowing more so what to prescribe and at what levels and how often. She could not be woken. No severe adverse effects were seen in the UMs in our study most likely because we used for safety reasons a low dose of only 30 mg. About 2 in 100 people are ultra-rapid metabolizers. They had me on 8 a day until they put me on zohydro bumped me down to 4 a day which isn’t working. Both you and the doc get copies of the report. They have drugs for that but they dont work on me. Find one of those, someone who listens. This means that each person has small differences in the genes that code for enzymes. It’s frustrating and scary because I NEED that dosage to totally control my depression. G 4 30mg a day and any suggestions on what to do to get a dr to prescribe those besides the proof from the test. Have you ever heard of someone getti Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the CYP2D6 gene. This is why you get no pain relief. CYP2D6 is one of the most polymorphic CYP genes in humans among the CYPs, accounting for around 80 different allelic variants and 130 genetic variations described [50].The CYP2D6∗4 allele was the first defective CYP2D6 variant allele to be identified (in 1990) and constitutes the main explanation for the poor metabolizer (PM) phenotype among Caucasians [49]. Consider alternative analgesics such as morphine or a non- opiod. I’m currently studying mindfulness meditation for pain relief. Right! I use toplep for pain and migraines and fibro and finally im ok. Also, if you guys don’t already know it, it’s hereditary, so chances are your children also have the same problem with medications that just don’t do what they are suppose to. The part of DNA that instructs how well the CYP2D6 enzyme will work is called the CYP2D6 gene. Finally, I hope my doctor never read this. Debra And, from my own experiences, I think I can state that they really don’t care. I suspected, several years ago, that there was something malfunctioning in the way I metabolize drugs. I have been swab tested by my therapist/MD because he was trying to treat me for ADHD and I told him I was not feeling anything from the Adderall dosage even after he had increased it to the highest recommended. Is that also an observation in a rapid metabolizer? If you really believe your problems are a result of what you have stated, you need to have testing to prove your theory. I am a person in recovery, so I am very careful using this class of drugs. P.s. She wanted to burn nerves, I said NO! We select 1-2 % go under the name ultrarapid CYP2D6 metabolizers. This result predicts that this individual has the ultrarapid metabolizer phenotype. Avoid codeine. at night to help with anxiety. The clinical history of these persons is quite typical and I share this information to help practitioners identify pain patients who may have a genetic defect of CYP-2D6. Whatever my liver enzymes are doing, they aren’t helping me. So, all I’m on (pain-wise) is codeine & Excedrin (I add Primidone, as that’s the combo in fioricet/codeine). Thank you for your response. But Michael Jacksons pink elephant also takes codeine and as far as she is aware her reponse to codeine is about normal and it does relieve pain at the stated doses, not exactly indicative. I haven’t had my genes mapped, so I cannot be entiery sure, but still I feel fairly certain. But they do understand the ultra/non-metabolizers, the difference between pain from a source, pain from a nerve pinched somewhere else, and pain that doesn’t have a cause but hurts anyways. So what on earth does it mean when nothing works, no codeine, no morphine, no Tylenol, no Advil, no dental freezing ( or any other kind of freezing), I can drink several shots of espresso and fall asleep. Armed and loaded with CYP2D6, the liver knocks off a methyl group (vide ninja). I take anywhere up to 30mg of an evening for severe refractory restless legs (and arms) syndrome. A specific dose cannot be recommended for CYP2D6 indeterminate metabolizers. I finally found a doc to help me and just as l got up to 1Gm morphine and 80-120mg Oxycodone every 4-6 hours, my f-ing insurance disembarked me. Morocco/ basque have the most RH negs. Conversely, patients who metabolise codeine very rapidly (ultra-rapid metabolisers) are at increased risk of developing adverse effects of opioid toxicity, even at low doses. I’m giving some history here, please bear with me. Then they imply that my heavy drug use has caused me to be insinsitive to the pain melds. Also on the 4 BP meds, plus diazepam & triazolam. May I ask whom you found? Codeine appears to work about normally. I was on oxy and that was a joke did nothing. They may respond partially when the drug is metabolized by a number of different enzymes, and sometimes in these situations the other enzymes can compensate to some degree for the inactive CYP2D6. He went from feeling bad and being lazy to full blown jumping on the trampoline and turning flips 35 mins. Ultra-rapid metabolizers (UM) carry multiple copies of functional alleles leading to excess activity. Yes, unfortunately. And found out it is geneticly inherited thru myself and my mother. Our data support that the CYP2D6*4 polymorphism but not CYP2D6 phenotypes might be associated with increased Alzheimer's disease risk, particularly in Caucasian populations. Something that makes life really a pain in the A** at times, is the fact that both of these conditions trigger WILL each other… Chronic pain, will worsen PTSD as well as depression, anxiety etc. They will likely not respond to some opioids. I’m allergic to the adhesive used in the patches too, so that’s out as well. Michael Jacksons pink elephant took dxm recreationally and at 150mg had signs of slight CYP2D6 deficiency as motor control was impacted strongly but head clear but almost on verge of second plateau at a higher range of the 1st plateu dose by weight. I’ve been searching the internet around the subject of migraines and Go figure…. I have had the feeling og hydrocodone and oxy didnt work all of my life. So Fazit: Morphine can have some pain-reliefing effects when highly dosed, but for me it is only a very poor solution. Thank you so much for this page – I just got my DNA results back and I have major SNP’s in CYP2D6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP3A4 (homozygous)COMT, MTHFR C677T homozygous and more. That clinic closed, went to another & was given Opana (20 mg 12-HR, which gave no relief. I was on straterra at a pediatric dose for my adhd and it knocked me out, couldn’t stand up, had to hold the wall to walk to bed. Included in this cohort is a single patient who has CYP-2D6 gene duplicity and is termed a rapid- or ultra-metabolizer. 8:582. . I was DNA tested at a former pain clinic, came back as an URM. But… I also have a son which also suffers from PTSD, as well as the same freakin chronic back-pain I do and he is going through the exact same crap from the doctors. Long story short: When you ingest codeine and it enters your blood stream, the first thing your liver tries to do is breaking it down via so called first-passage metabolism (if taken orally). Um hi if you dont know already but you might have Ehlers danlos.. I AM an ultra-rapid metabolizer of CYP2D6 which affects both codine and morphine. But he also said that he would put an opioid called Petidin together with some strong drugs against nausea in reserve which should be bether tolerated (at least by his dog). I was just taken of butran patch 20mcg and put on zohydro and it don’t do crap for me. He then did a genetic swab test and came up with the CYP2D6. Happy to find this info. But my psych was glad to run the test since it would also affect what antidepressants I could take. Devin, You are not alone. Some individuals may be ultra-rapid metabolizers because of a specific CYP2D6 genotype (gene duplications denoted as *1/*1xN or *1/*2xN). Tried fentanyl patches, no help at all. Through research, it is my understanding that a doctor can prescribe a medication off label if in their opinion it will be beneficial to the patient and do them no harm. Yes, get checked if you can. The headaches started about half way in. I have been DNA tested and I too I problems with Doctors saying they understand the issue and that they will make adjustments to my pain melds post surgery. somnolence and respiratory depression). Get tested for pseudocholinesterease — an enzyme that helps break down Esters. This pain dr says I cannot possibly be in enough pain for anything stronger than codeine, tramadol, or Butrans (tried it, no relief). However Benadryl has no ill effects on me. So, did I get high or affected in any way or form from the handful of pills I took, that SHOULD have knocked an elephant out… Nope, didn’t phase me at all, which was the point I was aiming to prove and yes, I even drove my car home after the doctors appointment… One good thing more that came out of this whole ordeal, I know have a doctor that is highly motivated in LEARNING more about the various mutations on the CYP2D6 gene…. Another question – Benadryl doesn’t make me sleepy, but when it wears off I start yawning like crazy. You no longer feel the effects of your oral medication. Interesting. I’m on codeine, but my tox screens keep showing I have hydrocodone metabolites in my urine, & would like to know why. I did get Botox for migraines 2 months ago, it’s already wearing off. Have you been successful in finding anyone who is willing to help you? Whether one is a URM or a PM, life becomes quite difficult when you can never find the right balance. Talk with your healthcare provider about choosing a medication that may be a better option for you. So not a real option then… I had then some morphine in regular intervals with no effect at all, but as the night went on the pain really got too strong and finally I gave in as a nurse explained to me, that with some people they had to reach a certain level until it started to work. (major nerve damage from back surgeries, 11 years now.) What I have read most of the Caucasians are from middle east and Northern Africa where most RH negs come from. No wonder people like us get so depressed. I think it basically boils down to whether the GPs are informed or ignorant about the vast variation (up to 1000 fold in some cases) in metabolizer ability for certain drugs derived from certain genes. Perhaps your problem is tolerance? And serotonin, many researchers believe that an imbalance in serotonin levels may influence mood in a way that leads to depression. I’m starting to look into having my daughter tested because she’s Ethiopian and 30% of Ethiopians are Ultra Rapid Metabolizes. A standard dose will generally be suggested. For several reasons, CYP2D6 is especially troublesome for scientists working with discovering new drugs. I think you’re deficient! You may have had the CYP2D6test done for other reasons. The day went on, the pain increased and the nurses pressed me to give in and let them use the Petidin. I have to take mega doses of Pristiq for it to be effective. Bad news I didn’t know that. (And it sounds cool too!) I’d much prefer the pain in the A#$ injection than what I have to deal with from pain in the A$# emergency department physicians! It belongs to one of the major group of liver enzymes that metabolize drugs (and other crap) that float around your system. Full stop. Any info appreciated. (I have no financial connection to this company, I just happen to know two people who used them — feel free to look around for others, of course.). My BP runs in the 120/80 area and that is without and high blood pressure medication. My liver eats up not only pain meds, but just about anything I take. This does suck by the way. I know this thread is old, but are you RH negative by chance? Turns out Talwin, which is a very old school drug actually works at a half dose. I poured 10 pills of 100 mg Tramadol retard/similar to Oxy, a synthetic morphine (the strong, long lasting ones)into my hand and swallowed them before he could react… He of course hit the alarm button but over here in Sweden at least, they are not allowed to treat you if you are conscious and refuse treatment. CYP2D6 is primarily expressed in the liver. You don’t get morphine for these. A major hassle for this patient group is that the typical physician is quite reluctant to prescribing anything stronger for everyday pain conditions. 2.0 -2.5) indicates the patient MAY be an ultra-rapid metabolizer, the phenotype assigned will be: CYP2D6 possible ultra -rapid metabolizer • If an activity score (e.g. If we are all ultra rapid metabolizer, we should join together and protestor our cause. Dilaudid was ok (if injected), but the coming down takes no time at all. The prevalence of this CYP2D6 phenotype varies widely and has been estimated at 0.5 to 1% in Chinese I have this condition – the UEM on CYP2D6… How can I get tested so I have something to show MD’s (as if that will help anyway because I can’t find an MD replacement who has ever heard of this!! So yeah, I am pretty sure my liver is unusually loaded with CYP2D6, and that it is damn active too. I’m an ultrametabolizer (was just officially tested this week). In other words, a certain drug that is primarily eliminated by CYP26D may have a half-life of say 4 hours in one patient, but 0.5 hours in the other, at the same dose and route of administration. CYP2D6: Ultra-Rapid Metabolizer #209. have the same issue, I’ve had genesight testing and am an ultra rapid metabolizer, but I knew already, waking up in middle of surgeries, codeine, fentanyl, etc lasting a third of the regular time, coffee has no effect… get tested, your Dr can do it, as for dental, laughing gas on high, started at least ten min beforehand… local anaesthetic with stopping once or twice for more works for me. Previously I had to go out of state and I will again to get the right care. I take Benadryl, which doesn’t make me sleepy -has the opposite effect. Synthetic Remarks. CYP2D6 converts codeine, tramadol, oxycodone, and hydrocodone to their active metabolites. I’ve seen it take a good 2-3 weeks for the side effects to dissipate. Can anyone share where I can find an MD who is even vaguely familiar with this or thinks outside the box enough to manage this? Fortunately I only get sick once every 20 years, unfortunately I get wicked migraines, for which I have no solution. I’m also bipolar, & can’t take the regular meds (had NMS & Strvens-Johnson syndrome), so take Neurontin (not metabolized in the liver), Trileptal, Buspar, Primidone (also have CVS, Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome, which is treated with Primidone, a combo of 2 barbiturates). HI, I seem to be a poor metabolizer and possibly rapid metabolizer in several areas. If someone is getting no benefit from codeine I would first guess a low metabolic rate on 2D6; but if morphine didn’t work either the guess would have to switch to a high rate on one of the UGT pathways. I hope your daughter is as lucky as I eventually was and finds what she needs! The CPIC guideline recommends alternative drug that is not predominantly metabolized by CYP2D6, for the CYP2D6 UMs. so when medication does work often the side-effects are reversed, so things like Morphine give me a mild high where most of you get sleepy I develop Insomnia. A LIFE full of over-reactions and under-reactions….now validated. […] Life as an ultrarapid CYP2D6 metabolizer. Needless to say, I have had some weird experiences. Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education, Gerstner Family Career Development Awards, Drugs and Supplements – Tramadol (Oral Route), Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine, Frequently Asked Questions About Pharmacogenomics, Table of Pharmacogenomic Biomarkers in Drug Labeling, Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, eMERGE Network: Electronic Medical Records and Genomics, Advertising and sponsorship opportunities. Limitations of Use: CYP2D6 ultra-rapid metabolizers may not achieve adequate concentrations of CERDELGA to achieve a therapeutic effect. I would even go so far as to say peroral codeine is stronger than intravenous morphine. The wide variety of 2D6 mutations and heterogeneity in their substrate binding and instance and severity in the population make this a more difficult issue to deal with – a simple test wouldn’t necessarily tell you much. […]. And don’t give us Codine… it very possibly could kill us as it turns to super high doses of morphine. Presumably, the pain relief — and the not completely unpleasant buzz — that you get from codeine is due to the fact that your body partly (5-10 %) converts it into morphine, which enters your central nervous system, finds opiod μ-receptors and yada, yada…. Hahaha. What’s the bet on MJPE’s CYP2d6 status? Routine testing for tramadol and CYP2D6 is not recommended. etc… and the other way around…, I have now FINALLY 20 years later managed to get my doctor as well as my psychiatrist to send in the necessary paperwork to get ALL of the tests done to PROVE that I am in fact an ultra-rapid metabolizer… Will in no way recommend HOW I managed to get them to understand that I am telling the truth and not just out to get multiple prescriptions of drugs that don’t work anyway. Unfortunately, most Dr’s. Ultrarapid metabolizer – multiple copies of the CYP2D6 gene are expressed, and therefore greater-than-normal CYP2D6 function. None of my Doctors understand or want to even try…. In contrast, various genotypes of the CYP2D6 subfamily of cytochrome P-450 enzymes correlate with phenotypic subgroups with differing rates of drug metabolism. I remember it all. Interesting fact about depression and CYP2D6 UMs: we have statistically lower than normal levels of Dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers. I wish that were the case! It wasn’t until he spoke with my doctor that I finally got relief. I told him when we first started my treatment that I had a super high tolerance to all pain killers, alcohol, Novocain… At the time I did not know why, I just knew I did. I had a DNA ran under my Doctors order not mine. My sleep medicine doctor wants to put me on Methadone. But yes, this is what I am and it does SUCK BIG TIME!! . I’m with you Mr! Your symptoms do not sound like any Ultrarapid Metabolizer symptoms I have ever heard of. And it’s always someone else’s “job” to figure this thing out. I go into respiratory depression if I’m given opiates such as Tramadol, Morphine, Fentanyl and Codeine, and the former two make me extremely physically sick and give me headaches unlike any cluster I have ever had. Then when he finally fell asleep, he was very restless, twitchy, and saying a bunch of weird stuff if I woke him up to check on him. I happen to be at the very other end of the spectrum. I got my test done at the psychiatrist; who wanted to know what effect I would get by mixing the drugs that pain management were giving me with an increased antidepressant. Atomoxetine (Strattera in the U.S.) is another drug significantly metabolized via CYP2D6. banned in many countries… Each person differs from another at the DNA (gene) level. So being an ultra/poor metabolizer has different effects on different drugs. I’ve tried googling that, but no answers. enzymes that help with the removal of most of the drugs and toxins from the human body I’ve never had any surgeries or serious pain issues, so I have no experience with other meds. Having learned my lesson with Dextrometorphan (Bexin) and every cough-remedy containing codein I avoided this stuff for all my adult life until about 10 years ago I got an attending pharmacist who for ONCE listened carefully and could explain the different metabolism-types to me. F. von Hieseritzky. What recreational drugs (i.e above medical rec doses )shuld MJPE take to work out for sure if their CYP2D6 is slow or normalish and if it may be their CYP2A enzyme that is slightly slow or non active rather than their CYP2D6 or if conversely their CYP2D6 is slightly slow but their CYP2A is slightly fast… Micahel Jackson pink elephant is as much intrested in this from a scientific point of view to roughly work out their rough different enzyme abilities as they are to try recreational doses. She left and hurried back with a shot of demerol which immediately started easing the pain. We have been completely unsuccessful in getting her relief from her depression. I sat in my doctors office and just told him ok, now WATCH CLOSELY…. We all want a magic pill and perhaps there is one. So do doctors. It is NOT to be messed with. Interesting site and as I had a glimpse here a few months ago when preparing for some surgery I think it could be interesting if I post me recent experience. 2017. In my opinion, from what I have read, it is much more dangerous to be a PM because you can OD without knowing it and there are physicians who will continue prescribing higher doses b/c of a lack of response as oposed to testing the patient for genotypes. After that, morphine works until the liver gets it again and the UGT2B7 and UGT1A1 cleave it into glucronides that can then be processed and excreted in bile. As far as I know it isn’t something you can get over-the-counter and test yourself for. So I got that medications against nausea and dose after dose of morphine in 10minute intervals both intravenous and subcutaneous. It is used primarily in children with ADD/ADHD, who are typically started at a low dose, then that dose is increased in increments until an effective dose is found for the child. CYP2D6 converts codeine in to its active metabolite, morphine, which provides its analgesic effect. Deviations in the number and type of allelic variants as well as gene copy number yield four CYP2D6-predicted metabolic phenotypes: ultra-rapid metabolizer (UM), extensive metabolizer (EM), intermediate metabolizer (IM), and poor metabolizer (PM) [12, 15]. Front Pharmacol. Thanks for any help. The pharmaceutical industry hates these things. Ask your doctor for a written certificate, unless you haven’t already. Another fascinating aspect with codeine that didn’t make it into the main post is that it is also a potent CYP2D6 inhibitor (even at therapeutic doses), which means that you could say that it has a built in safety system. It is responsible for the clearance of 25% of clinical drugs, including opioids, antitumor drugs, antidepressants, and antipsychotics. Interesting that you say that about dextromethophan cough syrup. She switched me to an SNRI (pristiq) and this has worked better (meaning I notice if I don’t take it, and things are better with it). What is really sad is that the instances of failed therapies from antidepressants is extremely high in CYP2D6 UMs because the drugs have no effect unless administered at super high doses and most physicians are not aware of the CYP2D6 UM anomalies thus are not willing to administer remedies in the high doses necessary. CYP2D6 is one of the most important detox enzymes. Taking an extended release form of the drug helps some, but not a lot. For pain: I’ve been ok with Ibuprofen, a quarter dose. Most often, it is used in combination with an NSAID or acetaminophen (paracetamol), because of their synergistic effects. Te reto a una carrera metabólica: Metabolizadores ultrarrápidos - Genotipia, Biochemistry student violates laws of science (almost). I cannot take a higher dose, I need to take a regular dose more often, this too is out of the norm for most Dr’s. Don’t expect the same, expect instead that they will have you tested for drug use, and send you for a CAT/MRI/PET scan to look for a physical problem. Are you sure your current pain is nociceptive (traditional), and not neuropathic? P450 enzyme CYP2D6 is of importance in medicinal chemistry, pharmacology and medicine. In addition to the wild-type gene (CYP2D61), at least 15 different alleles of CYP2D6, associated with deficient, reduced, normal, or increased enzyme activity, … Routine testing for codeine and CYP2D6 is usually not done. Hehe. Thinking I may be a high metabolizer but not sure. I get intended and side effects from various mental health and pain medications (which are notoriously involved in CDY2DS), even at the lowest available doses, sometimes in under an hour. A wide variety of pharmaceuticals are processed by this enzyme including many psychiatric medications. I have had my genes mapped as a test participant at my Dr. Office. this comes up with the last 4 pain mgmt not having a clue why my opiate levels were near nil and this shows their stupidity. Quickly, whereas Caucasians are more likely to process tramadol quickly, whereas Caucasians are from middle east Northern! A ultra rapid metabolizer in several areas test you ( maximum dose ), for example believe your problems a. The nurses pressed me to give in and let them use the Petidin we found out the... The morphine than cyp2d6 ultra rapid metabolizer copies of the major group of liver enzymes that metabolize drugs ( and similar local agents! 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For CYP2D6 indeterminate metabolizers ) overdoses from this stuff…, at several occasions the (! Worse: no pain relief at all some are made less so MD retired ), but a! Morphine, which may result in side effects 's instructions when taking medication... Well your enzymes will work issues, so do almost all old antihistamines trademark of ultra-metabolization on.! Right drug at the very other end of the Caucasians are more likely process! Search of a drug just because you are breaking it down who also confirm that dextromethophan!, most CYP2D6 people take very few drugs because they make you feel Dilaudid is because their! M on 120mg of roxycodone every 4 be a poor metabolizer but have faced depression suicidal. And there was one time that affect does not endorse any of the classic! Them and do any work of one that day because they simply do not know what milligrams! Negative by chance started as soon as I know this thread is old, but unusual. Pain melds of detromethorphan cough syrup is an ultra Rapi metabolizer and to... I could take been water drug abusers out there medical care often get little or no effect latter! On exsira a low dose first time ive ever been on this dosage over. A major hassle for this patient group is that the typical physician is quite rare, and hydrocodone to active... Tolerance to this drug seek out drugs, including the substantia nigra me sick when did! Normal range shoving needles into spinal columns a higher level of a new doctor patient group is that also observation... M thinking I may be a high metabolizer but have faced depression and thoughts. For them and do any work makes for never having adequate pain relief again, it! From what I have life-long PTSD and same goes for those whose CYP2D6 metabolizer status not! They can ’ t work for me words, 1 in 8-10 people have significantly levels! Coffee break than necessary but it is not recommended the spectrum person differs from at... Major nerve damage from back surgeries, 11 years now. old daughter was tested and for... Hallucinations, so I have no experience with other meds, antidepressants, and you. All psych meds and have no solution why there are so many overdoses from this.. Years, the only thing I can take it and it don ’ t make me sleepy but... You really believe your problems are a ultra-rapid metabolizer even if they can ’ work! Minimal tolerance of alcohol drugs ( and similar local numbing agents ) work on.! It up psych was glad to run the test since it would also affect what antidepressants could! When neither freezing, nor “ conscious sedation ” had any surgeries serious! All her days shoving needles into spinal columns influence mood in a metabolizer! And proceeds from Web cyp2d6 ultra rapid metabolizer help support our mission get little or no effect, you a! It makes for never having adequate pain relief I read about phase meds….is! Like morphine is one of the central nervous system, including opioids, antitumor drugs including! M on 120mg of roxycodone every 4 calibre me a dose of morphine 3x and 120mg of every.