A militarized population is usually a more effective deterrent to guerilla/terrorist warfare than militarized police. She had tried to explain that her boyfriend was depressed and suicidal, and had created a scene to invoke suicide by cop. Israel is a fairly good example of that. Use MathJax to format equations. Mader tells Williams to put the gun down, so they can talk. In most modern nations, the requirements for becoming a policeman are higher than those for becoming an ordinary soldiers. As if free education and job security are not great enough, you also get paid vacation, free healthcare, free flights and military discounts. There are many benefits and cons of being in the Navy. 11 Pros of Serving in the Navy Pro: Financial Job Security. That demarcation is evident in the skillsets we teach soldiers and police. Why do we still teach the determinant formula for cross product? When you join the Army, you are put in a certain job; if you tested well, you are put into the job you wanted according to availability. What specific political traits classify a political leader as a fascist? Police have firearms, but they (should) try to avoid using them, or rather avoid getting to a point where firearms become necessary. @SJuan76 Yes MEE is right - the Vigiles Urbani were specifically organised to keep Rome safe. As for pros, in the culture you've described, there really aren't any. It works better than "modern" cultures like to admit. soldiers to a conflict with (nation x)? The Sheriff of Nottingham in the Robin Hood stories may not be historical fact, but his authority and soldiers certainly were. 4 Pros And Cons Of Joining the Army That No One Will Tell You February 24, 2017, by Joseph Carey – Although everyone aspires to make a career in the services, it should not be an impulsive decision. Good career. You have gotten a variety of answers that are biased towards modern democratic societies, none of which you are bound to emulate in your high fantasy world. The military already have shifts of "watching" or guarding, so the idea is that they are allowed to intervene to stop unnecessary deaths. Most of my leadership was always very good at showing what we needed to do to grow in the MP Corp. The role of a militarized police force is to be a well-trained, well-equipped force that can deal with other well-armed groups and violent situations. are out having beers and get into a brawl/trouble. how and when to use military force for a reason. In a highly populated metropolitan area (Paris) the number of crimes to work overwhelmed the available staff, especially if it was only a part-time duty. (Although they do have both.). Is it COVID? And everyone carried a knife, all the time, even the youngest children. Imbalance between male and female magician population - What would be the implications? Deterrence: having armed squads walking the street may have some deterrent effect, although in reality they don't have as much effect as you would expect. Also, the respect that comes with being a police officer … The army is one branch of the Military that covers ground and infantry problems. So honorable men won't normally kill unarmed young women, but what about, you know. Nobility also had extra duties, beyond dispensing justice, including managing their territory, contributing to their neighbors, higher (and lower) rank nobles, appearing in the king's Court to keep the family from being forgotten, and so on. The lack of a "checks and balances" in the structure of the armed element of government creates risks to the political leadership. There are many aspects to being an officer, both good and bad. Cons: 1. The military will be tied up with domestic issues when a war starts. i have been in the army reserves with the primary mos being a mp and besides all of the training that you get from the army if you are interested in law enforcement in the civilian side the military traing will help you. Why doesn't my pinhole image cover the film? With the Security Council ruling out support for military options to stop the bloodbath in Syria, only intervention by NATO and the Arab League by do the job. 2. Of course a military school is a residential facility and while students are allowed to attend approved activities in the local town, things like taking a part-time job in the grocery store are simply not an option. We saw an LCAC hovercraft, steaming out to do drills. Police are more likely to be structured flexibly, with homicide teams set up to work collaboratively on a problem, small forces on the ground, and units established to deal with servicing the public. He then quit the military and joined the police. Are Islamic extremists in Afghanistan still being funded by poppy cultivation? The military can handle extremely sensitive or dangerous situations that the police can't. Etiquette for replying to eager HR acting as intermediary. Depending on how your story, your narrative, and your world is intended to work, this might be, for you the world builder, a pro since it provides ample fodder for intrigue, tension, conflict, and general skullduggery. How would this system of government and caste work? Good snipers do not help. Once they do, they are pretty unstoppable. When I retired from the Army I was doing a job that probably could have had two more of us doing the job. As for weaponry, remember that most of Europe was at war for most of the time. The French very much changed their minds on policing later though! Opportunity costs for the leaders of this government: when choosing … They even started by being made up of slaves, as opposed to the military elite. For the cons though, as other people have noted, the military are really bad at law enforcement. If you look at countries in conflict, and those that are stable today, you see a pattern emerging. Another pro, cost. This particular problem is not uncommon in the modern world where the lines are blurred, or non existent, as discussed in a few of the answers above. For example, police in Germany wears machine pistols at/near railway stations or airports, and sometimes patrolling busy places in the city. This is completely irrelevant in a crime, city or petty theft context. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people". One could say a major problem with conflict-ridden countries today is the lack of a true separate police force. When I realized the answer, the only word out of my mouth was, "Oh.". It's worth noting that, in today's society, we often laugh at police shooting skills and their woeful lack of training (whether deserved or not), but if you look at what is expected of a police officer versus a soldier, you start to see why the military may spend more time drilling with their firearms. ("They're getting our children used to accepting orders and punishments from specially-appointed outsiders that don't have our best interests at heart. . unless theyre deployed then they do the same thing. It is worth noting that as time went on Augustus also realised he needed a separate Cohortes Urbanae, who had some military training but had special training to deal with larger problems the Vigiles couldn't handle - call it a modern day SWAT team - but they were never meant to be a fighting force and were normally kept in reserve and always out of sight. The 9mm Makarov pistol entered service in 1951 as a staple sidearm for the Soviet army, police and Spetsnaz special forces. Still have questions? Should I...? People don't generally start fights they don't think they can win or, at least, avoid losing. They are not intended for domestic situations, petty theft, or dealing with emotional civilians. For example, according to the Defense Finance Accounting Service, as of 2014, an enlisted soldier at the E-3 pay grade with less than two years of service earns $240.72 per weekend. The KSK and GSG9 specifically have the same goal: anti-terrorism. Think tasks like cooking food, hauling arrows or other munitions, providing temporary relief for troops in a pinch, scouting etc. A military commander is really only going to be interested in maintaining control, and solving all problems with military solutions. The military is very hard to mobilize quickly. List of Pros of Joining the Army 1. I got a great lesson in this recently sailing in San Diego with an ex. I wasn't aware of that police force in France (led by Reynie) - thanks for that. The cons are easy to spot, but the pros are there as well. Gendarmeries are actually remarkably common around the world. ? Here is a civilian waving a gun about, threatening police officers. Some people want to know the good things and bad things about being in the Army or the Pros and Cons to being in the Army. ? Iraq and Afghanistan are latest examples. The military is so specialized that you have to have a very large group of people with different talents on standby so they can deal with different situations, and many people on standby will rarely ever get called in. The Pros And Cons Of Militarizing The Police. The military has more authority and less regulation on its behaviour than civilian institutions, but given the right objectives and ethics this may not matter much. If you’re looking for a career that provides stable income, the military is a great option. In the world I am building war is an ongoing issue, and so the culture's military is quite extensive. Police and Military should never be merged. 3. The soldier has to be faster on the obstacle course, and better with a rifle, but the policeman has to be well versed in the law as it applies to police operations. I will offer a different perspective, and argue that under the right circumstances a policing military may function with greater professionalism than a civilian police force. Military service isn’t just a job, it’s a calling. Overbearing: Having military walking streets blurs the distinction between serving civilians and treating them like an enemy instead. Short story about science fiction editor in thrall to a "witch doctor's" aspirations to sci-fi authorship. Pros. -Admiral Adama, Battlestar Galactica. The war is an ongoing conflict which flares up then goes quiet for a while. A military that has evolved in response to such circumstance would place a high value on caution and reading people. Worldbuilding Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for writers/artists using science, geography and culture to construct imaginary worlds and settings. Another example would be the armed guards surrounding the African Rhinos. Militaries are broad, equipped to kill many to defend a nation. That isn't what you are going for when a call comes in and you have only minutes to respond and you don't need a ton of firepower. Also referred to as conscription, compulsory military service is a strategy used to build a large and powerful military ready to be deployed in the time of crisis. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. Creating a full-time police force kept the wars out of the city and created an area of relative calm near the capital. Since New Zealand got rid of COVID in their country, could the United States do the same thing? Mader arrived at the scene and in this moment relied upon his experience from Afghanistan. What amount of In a high fantasy setting, you need no justification. -Admiral Adama, Battlestar Galactica. 10. It offers young adults a chance to learn a wide range of skills, morally, psychologically and physically, which parents may not be able to offer. Because of this, these forces must follow military standards when it comes to recruitment, training, and equipment, all of which are more strict and expensive than normal police forces. Read the history books. What would be the pros and cons of a merged military and police? Being an officer is not the kind of job where you weight the pros and cons. CORY: If you would pay attention to the question Isiah was asking for the pros and cons for both Active and Reserve..Having drills 2-3 days a month gives you extra cash and also the chance to have a job outside of the military.. pros: you get to carry a weapon around all day. It's challenging. All the qualifying individuals in a country must serve when the need to protect the sovereignty of the state arises. The military is great at killing people, not so much at writing parking tickets. In fact, this is perfect for those who love challenging tasks. Pros and cons of this? There are no pros. TL;DR: Using military instead of police will result is distrust, disobedience and violence from civilian population. Although maybe I'm just reading that into it, since you say most of their duties will be breaking up drunk fights. Army Reservists are paid for all training and work time, based on their rank and length of time in service. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. They have worn uniforms, learned to work together as a team, and worked to serve their country, protect the people, and restore order. This to keep their mission statements clear. This answer is only addressing the very specific scenario of taking the military, exactly as is, and throwing them on the street. Soldiers certainly serve their country, and police certainly fight against crime, but there does seem to be a very meaningful demarcation between them. And is it as bad as I think it is? That situation has been pretty much the norm throughout human history. The military is harder to bribe because there are so many people and somany command chains. Corruption: when too much power is concentrated in too few hands, Their rule can only last as long as they're making decisions which directly align with the wishes of the military commanders. reduced. The militarized Police (and militia's) would at best be in support of the army when it's about fighting and during disaster relief or similar if the army HAS to be involved it supports the militarized Police. +1. Obviously you don't want each of your soldiers as Law Enforcement Officers, basic military training can't/won't/shouldn't cover all the intricacies of the law and psychology that a LEO should be versed in. Boarding schools and military schools are common alternatives for parents and teens who desire a different learning environment. The military would just do what it does best, but can offload work to the Police and militia's when necessary. Their approach to a drunken fight is: should we kill them right now, or wait and see if they kill each other, or otherwise stop being a threat to "our people". Here is a list of the top pros and cons of serving in the Navy to help guide you through making your decision. So in Britain we have the crushing of the Peasants' Revolt, suppression of the Levellers, and the Peterloo Massacre, to pick three obvious examples. Some have a draft where most young men serve, while only a few qualify for the police. ). Why is Biden attempting to destroy the military? The police are generally more expected to work within the limits of the environment, while the military tends to overcome it. Police forces under military jurisdiction are fairly common in the real world, and the pros/cons in your situation should be the same. The military … can i use a divination wizards portent through a scry spell? This means that a smaller pool of candidates are qualified to join the force, and more resources must be devoted to maintaining the force. Here are some pros and cons of hiring soldiers to be police officers: Pros: Military veterans are already used to a structured lifestyle and strict adherence to a chain of command. In such a world, if the need for a military were to arise, it would probably be met by the police. Someday we will all be serfs if we don't stop this now."). He dies from his injuries. 1,486 reviews from U.S. Army employees about working as a Military Police at U.S. Army. Less freedom to make a personal decision: When signing up for college you have to get approval. by The Week team. My husbands been gone on military deployment, but I know he plans to surprise be soon on Valentine's day. One day he was called to a domestic incident, and had been told a man (Ronald D Williams) was outside waving a gun about. The militarized Police and military in my idea have specific different goals: one to protect and organize civilians and the other to plan and wage war on a large stragetic level. This type of lifestyle could change your teen’s attitude to life. In this situation, the culture has their military and police merged, so my question is: what would the pros and cons of this merged force be? It's all too common in such circumstances for the police to not actually eliminate the threat, because the continuation of the threat is what guarantees their jobs and justifies accumulating more power for themselves. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. If you've got no external threats, and you haven't had any for a really long time, you might not have a military - or even the idea of one. Well,active duty military doesn’t have to pay for that shit. Do you really want the security officer dealing with tantrums? The instant the external pressure of foreign war is off, somebody is likely to start plotting to become God-Emperor, and the command and control mechanisms they'll need to be successful are already in position, they need merely have sufficient political clout to take control of them. Job Security. Cons: 1. @Volker Siegel I see your point but dont think it has any bearing on the status quo. Most people in such a society would view the sudden imposition of military policing with suspicion if not outright hostility as it would be seen as both an insult ("You backward peasants can't take care of your own problems") and as the first step toward the rulers centralizing power into an absolute government and stripping citizens of their rights. Even the ancient Romans realised the need for a separate 'Police' to 'Military'. with. I find that quote describes the pros and cons of a combined military and police very well. Incidentally, there's an informative podcast where Sam Harris interviews Jocko Willink, a former navy SEAL who was deployed to Iraq. Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter ; Share on WhatsApp; Share via Email; Copy Link; Link Copied! If militaries are patrolling civilian streets, you are in an unstable violent environment - it never ends well. No cons for army . Hi, Which branch of the military has the best benefits? The lictors were more bodyguards than policemen. Nobility provided justice in their regions, with the system of heirarchy between barons of single-towns, counts of whole counties, and dukes of larger provinces, all answerable to the king of the country. And yet another contrast. List of Pros of Being a Police Officer. It's worth prefacing that the benefits of this are also drawbacks. Policing with the military is a great idea* for the aforementioned reasons, and offers many unique benefits given the right context. however some cons are in any armed forces there is a lot of hurry up and wait but if you can get passed that you will meet a family like none other and truely find out if you are army strong. They also will be able to use spies in a way the police usually wouldn't, creating extensive networks to attempt to control subversive elements. This is not true for police forces, who often have to operate in a scene where they are not responsible for Incident Command -- in particular, in most mass-casualty mishaps, it is fire/EMS that establishes and maintains the ICS, with the police playing supporting roles (evacuating folks ahead of hazards, staging equipment, controlling traffic, and the likes). Pros. They are unrelated to the military police - they come from the culture of the normal police. Is it worth paying for a course? After all, there's already paramilitary police forces operating under military leadership in many countries without problems, such as France's National Gendarmerie, or Italy's Carabinieri. 10 Pros And Cons Of Joining The Army Posted on Last Updated: June 14, 2020 June 14, 2020 Author Elie P. Comment(0) 14721 Views There are several different branches of the United States Military, but often the first one that comes to mind to the general public is the U.S. Army. Good alternative to a slider for a long list of numeric values. In Spain, for instance, the Guardia Civil does handle anti-terrorism, but it also handles traffic policing outside the cities, and can be called upon by judges for such mundane tasks as searching offices for documents relevant to a case. No! High fantasy typically takes its cue from European history. The point is, the GSG9 are policeman of the normal police. Soldiers (maybe not highly trained or highly professional) were paid for by the noble enforced judgments. Typically, police should be have superior numbers and superior weapons and armor to the "criminals" that they deal with. What Would Be The Effect of Avatars In The Military? I find this attitude permeates the military. Ticket to Ride United Kingdom, should the technology cards be in a stack or do we get to choose? Or 1285's. Their primary goal would be to evacuate the civilians, set up defensive area's to catch enemies that managed to pull through and organize+arm militia's that formed in the city. If the opponent is regularly dug in, the police mentality may not be enough. Military Pros and Cons; Joining the military Pros. Both active duty and Reserves please??? Is becoming an Amazon seller profitable? Mader is then fired for 'endangering' his colleagues by refusing to shoot Williams. It's the corruption you want to look out for. He saw Williams waving a gun about for show, and didn't see anything in Williams' behaviour to suggest violent intent. Stephen Mader was a US Marine Corp veteran who had served in Afghanistan. Retirement benefits: The government offers various dependable retirement benefits to the army officers. Peace is maintained and tyranny avoided via balance of power. Then you go through Basic Training, and upon passing this, you continue on to Advanced Individual Training (AIT). Or they could just serve as adjuncts/helpers for the regular police forces - do a one to one ratio to keep police numbers up and your soldiers gainfully employed. A more subtle, but relevant example is Police-vs-Blacks mentality that has lead to a increasing number of shooting deaths in the US. Standards can be a joke-In many cases, this is one of the biggest cons. Police are not allowed to fire until they have the criminal clearly in sigh, and said criminal is not just armed, but likely to shoot somebody. What would have been the ancient Roman's equivalent to police forces? A more pros and cons focused assessment is as follows: Save money: you don't need two hierarchical structures to run the ; Copy Link ; Link Copied along the way he got an update that the police Stack or do get. Broad, equipped to kill many to defend a nation to 'Military ' this problem or is. Might save you time and effort to not have to pay a web hosting for! 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