Alabasta the Animal Land. In a David and Goliath turn around, the Franky Family and Galley La bring down Kaashi. Brownbeard is seen taking over Foodvalten saying it is not a Whitebeard territory anymore, Iva says goodbye to Jinbe and the others. This enrages Luffy as he takes down half of Hody's forces of 100,000 with Haki and says to Hody that he will become the King of the Pirates and not Hody himself. Luffy and the others enter the mansion and defeat the Surprise Zombies with ease, but Sanji goes missing, so they force Buhichuck to act as their guide by taking him with them. Their pirate flag is then stolen by a little girl's flying fish. Duval bears a grudge against one of the Straw Hats, but it is not known which one. Grim Prospects! As Usopp plots to get back in the Straw Hats, Franky, Iceburg, and the Galley-La foremen are hard at work putting the finishing touches on the new ship. The Marine Combat Weapon Pacifista, Another Strong Enemy Appears! Zoro tried to go back to the sea using the small boat given to him by Mihawk however he could not get past to the Humandrills. The citizens marvel and celebrate at the arrival of Luffy and his crew along with the enemy. Usopp resolves to keep his story of pirates attacking the town a lie by making sure none reach it. Hogback, frustrated with Absalom holding a wedding with the General Zombies as guests, becomes the second commander of the zombie forces. Crocodile defeats multitudes of Whitebeard's lower-ranking men to get to him, but is assaulted by Jozu, who is then halted by Doflamingo. Disembarking at Thriller Bark. (Franky's flashback) Franky said that if a ship of his were to be used as a weapon, then it's no longer one of his ships. Admiral Kizaru's Fierce Attack - The Straw Hat Crew's Desperate Situation! Escaping from the Surprise Zombies of the mansion, Nami, Chopper and Usopp discover the truth about Cindry's true identity and Doctor Hogback's experiments before being approached by a mysterious samurai zombie with Brook's voice. Kuma mentions that it's a shame before detonating Thriller Bark with his Ursus Shock attack. Oars tries to stomp Usopp and Nami, but Nightmare Luffy arrives and gets them to safety in an instant. Hogback, however, argues that the zombies are truly alive, and recalls that he had fallen in love with Cindry while she was alive, only to have her reject him in favor of her fiancé. 6-0 : 19 Mar 11: One Piece 3D: Straw Hat Chase (30 min) S07. Montblanc Cricket and the Masira Brothers hear the Golden Bell ringing and realize that the Gold City was always in the sky. Luffy gets defeated (frozen), but his life is spared as Aokiji believes he must repay the debt the marines incurred from Crocodile's defeat at Luffy's hands. After taking a massive amount of punishment, the Straw Hats' Pacifista finally goes down after Luffy grinds it into the ground with Gigant Rifle. The episode ends with Luffy stating that he'll protect everyone, because that is what he trained for those past two year. After an intense sword fight, during which the entire roof collapses to the ground below, Zoro finally defeats Ryuma using a technique which sets him ablaze. As the flashback ends, Fukaboshi laments how his mother was killed by the hatred of the Fishman Island and begs Luffy to reset their history to zero. After everyone understands that Noah has been stopped, they start celebrating. Arriving at Halfway Through the Grand Line! Special Retrospective Before Marineford - The Siblings' Vow! Light the Fire of Shandia! Lina considers her father a liar, but Sayo believes him. Paulie makes his debut when he retrieves Usopp's stolen money as he runs from debt collectors. The episode opens with Brook finishing his concert and thanking his fans. The Marines are convinced the Going Merry is a ghost ship after it crashes inside their fortress from above. Hody, after stabbing Decken, catches up with Shirahoshi. Jinbe and Sanji continue to fight Wadatsumi and Wadatsumi becomes angry and inflates himself, crushing some of his allies unknowingly. Chopper distracts Crocodile while Sanji frees the rest of the crew, but find themselves trapped yet again. In town, they witness a disturbance caused by a man claiming to be an escaped slave yelling for help in getting an iron collar off. Akainu's attack against Ace gives him only seconds to live. She calls Tamago and Pekoms and they dare not answer so Luffy does. Nami finds out what should happen to anyone who enters the forest. The Minister of the Right tell the soldiers to look for the princes and then they'll come back to reclaim the palace. He then explains the two changes that happened in the New World after two years: Akainu becoming fleet admiral and Marshall D. Teach taking all of Whitebeard's territories and claiming the title of Yonko alongside Shanks, Charlotte Linlin, and Kaido. They manage to escape thanks to some indirect assistance from Robin, who is still with Lil. Hatchan, Keimi, and Paggag lead Luffy, Chopper, and Brook to find the mechanic Hatchan spoke of. News of Whitebeards's death spreads across the world, and many people are excited to hear of the demise of one of the world's most powerful pirates. However, a call from him reveals that he has been kidnapped by the Fishman Macro Gang as bait for her. After getting her off the altar, the pirates plan out their course of action. However, he suddenly faints, falling back down to the Noah. The Franky family decide to lower the inner bridge so the others can enter the courthouse first. The Straw Hats enter the Dead End boat race for its prize money, but the race becomes the backdrop for a sinister scheme and a battle of venegence between the bounty hunter Shuraiya Bascud and the Marine-turned-pirate General Gasparde. Brook then reveals his insecurites to Robin, saying that he will leave the crew if he proves to be only a burden. Meanwhile, Buggy uses a Den Den Mushi and does a public broadcast on the Sabaody Archipelago, angering witnesses. One Piece is a manga written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda and published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since 1997. The Great Battle Above the Ice Begins. Meanwhile, the missing and captured mermaids have been found but they have been replaced with some other valuable items from the Palace. The Whitebeard Pirates attempt to flee, but Akainu, having survived Whitebeard's assault, emerges in front of Jinbe. Is One Piece worth watching? Ace starts to care for Luffy more as a brother after he was nearly mauled to death by a bear. The Straw Hats arrive in an ocean above the clouds. The Beginning of the "New Era"! Robin deciphers the poneglyphs on the Golden Bell and realizes how to find the Rio Poneglyph. Rayleigh remarks that they have met at Sabaody Archipelago. Johnny tells the others about Nami killing Usopp, and Luffy does not believe them until Nami appears herself and confirms it. A flashback follows, showing what happened two days ago. Blackbeard expresses his desire to sink Marineford into the ocean after destroying the fortress, but Sengoku attacks him, saying that the island is a symbol of justice in the world. Survive! Luffy declares his intention to make Brook a part of their crew, and the Straw Hats prepare to counterattack the forces of Thriller Bark in order to reclaim what was stolen from them. He then beats up the Lord of the Coast for eating Shanks' arm and to show the results of his forest training. As Luffy's anger grows, he activates a new strength Gear Third. Usopp continues to fight Daruma and has set traps for him. Chopper finds Zoro and hands him the Sandai Kitetsu so he can escape the chimney. Nami barely escapes from Kumadori, stealing his key in the process. Luffy activates Gear Second in order to fight Largo, but has trouble since Largo's nets simply absorb his blows. A powerful pirate named. The New Chapter Begins. Aim for the Strongest Sea. Sabo runs away to warn Luffy and Ace. He then offers the crew a choice: either join the New Fishman Pirates or die. The Blackbeard Pirates, having acquired several notorious criminals from the lowest level of Impel Down, then make their appearance, with Blackbeard having come to see Whitebeard die. The Giants Dorry and Brogy! Franky blasts Ikaros Much with his laser beam. Luffy tells her that he ate the rest of the candy and he is willing to give the treasure to her for repayment. Luffy tries in vain to convince the injured Dorry not to fight Brogy. I Won't Run - Ace's Desperate Rescue Operation. She refuses and tells them that she cannot accomplish her "wish" if she were to stay with them. Smells Like Croc! Massive Gathering, Threat of the Fake Straw Hats! Luffy actually seems to pose no threat but all the while, he's remembering what great friends they used to be, sailing together on the same ship. TV Shows Based on Manga. Meanwhile, Wapol reaches the castle where the crew is residing. Suddenly, a large mobile visual Den Den Mushi appears with Hody making an announcement about the New Fishman Pirates' takeover to the entire island. Finally, he compresses air to form a pressure bomb before delievering an ultimatum: he will spare everyone if they hand over Luffy, only to be met with defiance. Sanji's Food and Gin's Grace, The Greatest Pirate Fleet: Captain Don Krieg, Protect Baratie! The beasts on the island have been tamed by Luffy. Franky unveils his new robo by combining two of the Thousand Sunny's weapons and begins to start fighting. Skypiea's Upholders of the Law. Kaku and Jyabura Transform, Even if I Die, I Won't Kick you! The bickering rivals Sanji and Zoro manage to overcome the opposing team by working together. Faced with this unprecedented crisis, Magellan has Shiliew of the Rain released from his cell in order to deal with them. The formerly captured Staw Hats finally manage to get outside, no thanks to Zoro, where they once again encounter the Accinos. Without Chopper, Sanji and Zoro must face the Foxy Pirates in a ball game, but are hampered by their blatant cheating and the crooked referee. Zoro acknowledges Ryuma's skill as a swordsman and says he wishes he could have met Ryuuma before he died. Luffy raises some chaos in order to meet with Iceburg and he demands to know what's happening. The Heat Heat Fruit gives the Don all sorts of powers, from throwing blasts of heat, heating his skin to extreme temperatures, to even being able to fly by blowing steam out his nose. To make matters worse, Miss Goldenweek interferes and reveals her own terrifying ability. Meanwhile, Luffy crashes into Duval's hut and catches a glimpse of his unmasked face before being chased back outside. Luffy gets the petrified Marguerite and her friends to safety and then fights against Sandersonia and Marigold, but struggles against their Devil Fruit powers and their ability to predict his moves with Haki. The Red-haired Shanks Appears! Chopper is awoken by humongous birds that want to use him as a toy and when he finally escapes them, the island's natives try to eat him. He states Hody is a monster born from their environment. Chopper, threatened by priest Shura, blows the whistle for Gan Fall to come, but before he can arrive, Priest Shura assaults Chopper and begins destroying the Going Merry. Neither Zoro, nor Ryuma, can gain any advantage over the other, as they keep matching the other's attack. Surume jumps off a cliff and some big stones are about to crush them but Usopp stops them for a while with his new move Sargasso. War Demon Wiper's Resolve, Fierce Sky Battle! The Galley La company run outside and stop Franky and Luffy and tell them that they suspect the Straw Hat Pirates of the crime. After finally been convinced to join the team, Chopper announces his intentions to Dr. Kureha, who does not take it too well; but after escaping from the castle, she has decided to give the whole Straw Hat crew a farewell gift. Arlong is enraged over Tiger's death and, rather than choosing to obey Tiger's last wish, he completely goes against what he wanted and returns to Koala's home island to get revenge on the humans that sold him out. Both chapters and volumes are listed with appropriate titles, comprising the original Japanese text, romaji transcriptions, and English translations. etc.) Jinbe volunteers, stating that he is a pirate. A Farewell to Arms! Jinbe sends Wadatsumi flying and Sanji finishes him off. Meanwhile, Luffy and his allies charge to the execution platform and the Marines attack them to no avail. The next match is a race to the top of the island. In a desperate to stop Whitebeard from advancing to the execution platform, the Marines activate walls to block Whitebeard's path, but gets stopped by the ice. Conspiracy of the Red Nose, Bubble User Kalifa! Vivi Tells of her Adventures! Dream 9 Toriko & One Piece & Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special!! Jinbe decides to tell the others and Nami about how Tiger and Otohime tried to change Fishman Island. Luffy resolves to meet his nakama. After awakening the General Zombies, Absalom is accosted by Lola, a zombie warhog obsessed with making him her husband. Robin willingly follows Blueno into his improvised door and Sogeking and Sanji are left alone. Running Sea Train! Buggy and Mr. 3 flee when confronted with fierce wolves prowling the area, but Mr. 2 presses onward and finds Luffy's cell. The Underwater Prison Impel Down! The chef states his wish to live there, with a mermaid remarking how much fun he is. Giant Whale Laboon Appears, A Man's Promise, Luffy and the Whale Vow to Meet Again, A Pirate-Loving Town? After trying every trick in the castle, Wapol is finally hunted down by Luffy. The New Destination is the Great Prison, The Nakama's Whereabouts - Weather Science and Karakuri Island. Jinbe, Crocodile and Mr. 1 finally secure a Marine vessel to escape with, meanwhile Luffy continues his fight against Magellan with the assistance of Mr. 3's Doru Doru no Mi powers. Enel, who was thrown to the Blue Sea heads out to the Fairy Vearth (the Moon). Meanwhile, the Straw Hats fighting Oars decide to use Tactics 15: Big Emperor. Moriah implants Luffy's shadow inside the corpse of Oars, making the massive zombie come to life. Like his brothers, he also wears dotted wristlets and a dotted belt. Luffy is still on his way to the Sea Forest with Shirahoshi, when he notices something going to the Ryuugu Palace, which is revealed to be Hody and Decken. The zombie immediately shows his similarity to Luffy, yelling out for food at the moment of awakening! Fortunately, that’s not the case with One Piece as the percentage of filler episodes stand at around 12%! All those involved comply, and the war ends. The Sea Train Begins to Run. Brook declines again, saying that he made a promise to Laboon the whale. Paulie sits down with the group and talks about their plan. The Nakama's Whereabouts - Weatheria Report and Cyborg Animals, The Nakama's Whereabouts - Giant Bird Chicks and a Pink Showdown. Ivankov lets Inazuma out of his hair to make a bridge for Luffy to use to reach Ace, but Garp moves out to fight Luffy, saying that he is a Marine and Luffy is a pirate. She manages to persuade the crew to let her join. Luffy-tachi have their gold exchanged for cash. Hody starts fighing Luffy underwater, and breaks Luffy's air bubble. Luffy comes across Sanji and Zoro after a short fight with a pacifista and together they head to grove #42, where the rest of the crew is. Sanji and Chopper launch a combo attack on Oars, who then knocks out both of them with Gomu Gomu no Gatling, leaving only Nami, Zoro and Usopp standing. Gin finishes off Pearl, claiming that he wants to kill Sanji himself. The Straw Hat Pirates' All-Out War. The Confrontation with CP9. The executioners try to execute Ace again, but Luffy incapacitates them with his Haoshoku Haki. A huge fire engulfs Gray Terminal. Onboard the Thousand Sunny, Brook tells his story of being a musician before being killed. The Straw Hats make their way back to Shakky's bar. The Fist of Magma Attacks Luffy, A Desperate Cry - Seconds of Valor that Change Destiny, Enter Shanks! Luffy senses a "big animal" in the palace so he calls Zoro and Sanji to come with him and they find Caribou using his Logia powers to capture Shirahoshi. Crocodile, however, manages to catch Luffy, beginning the first round of their battle. The Desert Princess and the Pirates: Adventures in Alabasta. Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, and Chopper follow Usopp's bloody trail to the Franky House where they find him passed out in front. The Bell of the Night Raid is a Sound of Darkness, Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura, Filled with Animals!? Ace, Sabo, and Luffy chase down a Danpa and succeeds to catch it, but a tiger steals it. Before Ace dies, he thanks Luffy, Whitebeard and his crewmates for loving him in spite of who he is. Shirahoshi and the Kidnapping. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License, One Piece - Defeat Him! Suddenly, some Marines see the warship which Luffy, Jinbe and Rayleigh are on. She finds that the vault is empty but forces two chipmunk zombies to tell her where the treasure is. The Ancient Weapon, Pluton, Essence of a Mighty Sword! While Sanji is distracted by Oars, Absalom steals Nami back and plans to properly wed her this time without any disturbances. After Gomorrah is blinded, Sogeking arrives with the giants as back up. His Name is Fire Fist Ace, Ace and Luffy! Garp also introduced Luffy to Ace and they befriended each other. The crew teams up with the island's chieftain, and eccentric inventor named Ratchet, in order to solve the riddle, but Ratchet has something else in mind for the island. Hordy is confronted by the army, but Ikaros uses a Sea Bear to attack. However, the tides may be beginning to turn as Usopp learns what it truly means to be a man. The Phoenix Pirates go to battle with Canpaccino and the remaining grunts, Puzzle promising to meet the Straw Hats again in the New World. Death Match: Round 2. Luffy's lightning reflexes spare the Mermaid Princess from a grisly death, Neptune's army attempts to apprehend the Straw Hats, and Captain Vander Decken forges a sinister undersea alliance! Breaking Into Rain Dinners, Operation Utopia Commences! However, Hody Jones refuses to admit victory until he receives news that Shirahoshi is dead. The prison staff and Hancock finally arrive on the floor where Ace is being held. Nami in Big Trouble! While the Marines and the Whitebeard pirates fight on the ice, Coby and Helmeppo start becoming scared, as many Marines more powerful than they are have been taken down easily. His main reason for the meeting: a request to stop Ace from chasing after his under-crew mate Teach/Blackbeard. Akainu tries to kill him, but Red-Haired Shanks arrives, blocks his attack and reveals that he has come to end the war. The Pirate Ship Trembles in Sadness, Luffy vs Usopp! The scene goes to a deserted island north west of the Amazon Lily called Rusukaina, which will be Luffy's training spot for the next two years. Usopp's Tear-filled Determination! Ryuma staggers slightly, then acknowledges his defeat at Zoro's hands. The Knight of the Sky and Heaven's Gate, Godland Skypiea! Luffy prepares to attack Hody. Hody attacks Luffy again but Luffy destroys his Kirisame and sends Hody flying with his Jet Pistol imbued with Haki. Coming Soon. Wiper takes out Shura and tells his goal to the Shandians, and Enel speaks up about how many people will be alive by the end of his plan. However, his spirit was able to reanimate his skeleton due to the power of the Revive Revive Fruit (Yomi Yomi no Mi). In return, Franky tells him a little about Tom's contributions to Water 7. As the party begins to wind down, Robin asks and discusses a troubling and dangerous secret with King Neptune surrounding his daughter, Shirahoshi, the ship Noah, and the mysterious Joy Boy. An Enormous Fleet Appears - Invasion! That enraged Tom and he punched Franky for the first time, telling him he had to take pride in the ships he created. Fishmen vs Luffy Pirates! But then she attacks all of them once and leaves in the Sea Bus. Robin questions Franky about the flyer of Brook's concert to which he replies that Brook became a star and might have given up on piracy. Pirate Dodgeball! Kuma reveals that he has eaten the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, which enables him to repel attacks and air at the speed of light. Everyone starts partying and Luffy tries to feed Zoro, still knocked out from taking all of his pain, some rum but Chopper won’t let him. Robin refuses to complete the docking as the right hand, stating that it is too embarrassing, much to the dismay of Oars who was getting pumped to fight the Big Emperor. Landing at Fishman Island, The Lovely Mermaids! His legs are extremely small in comparison to the rest of his body. Luffy then remember the times when Shanks, Rayleigh, Jinbe, and Ace told him something important. Go Forth, Little Crow! The Lapahn help Luffy escape from Wapol, giving him enough time to climb to the castle where doctor Kureha lives. Franky yells for Luffy to hurry up, as he and the rest of the crew hear that Oimo, Kashi, Galley-La and the Franky Family have been hit by the three Battleships. Meanwhile, Gan Fall and Nami start and finish their fight with Kotori and Hotori. The Three Brat's Sake Cups of Oath! Elsewhere, Law and Kid finally manage to take down their Pacifista, but it reactivates and stands back up. Luffy and Sanji are discovered by Johnathan after a slight mishap. The crew carries lots of food with them down to the courtyard. With the gold, they decide they’ll hire a shipwright. Later Sabo explains to Ace and Luffy that he is in fact a Noble. Nami arrives and joins the battle, but Oars demonstrates that he can somehow stretch his limbs, which the crew realizes is Moriah's doing. Nami is my Nakama! Luffy goes to Marineford along with Rayleigh and Jinbe. Ace and Whitebeard's Past, The Power to Destroy the World! Garp leaves the Straw Hats uncaptured. Nami is furious and puts all her energy into a Swing Arm Attack, knocking him out. The Man who is Loved by his Ship! Mihawk is disgusted by what Zoro is doing and says if he cannot even beat the humandrills outside then he has no reason to train him to which Zoro replied by saying that he defeated all of them. Sogeking produces a smokescreen. Nojiko starts her story about Nami's childhood and their adopted mother, Bellemere. She detonates it, but the explosion gets sucked into the impact Dial, which Usopp cleverly brought out. It looked like the end for Sanji as Absalom used his devil fruit ability, but Sanji comes back with his anger and starts beating Absalom to death, after revealing he always desired the Suke Suke no Mi the devil fruit which allowed Absalom to turn invisible. Hancock orders Law's crew to call the Kuja's ship and return to Amazon Lily. Nami decides to head to Franky House and finds Usopp on the way in a pitiful state. The Dream of the Pirate Flag Sworn to a Friend, The Super Final Atsu Atsu Battle! Luffy arrives at the execution platform only to be caught in a trap by Buggy and Alvida. The series begins with an attack on a cruise ship at the hands of Alvida. The Sunny's Super Secret Weapon: Gaon Cannon, Landing to Get to Fishman Island - The Sabaody Archipelago, Tyranny! In order to make him feel better, they have to find the "Seafood Fruit" and make Chopper eat it. Sanji saves Nami from Absalom, who does not see him as a threat due to the power of his zombie, but Sanji unleashes his own rage against the lion-faced man, both for harming the women of the crew as well as an unknown connection between the two of them. The Quack Doctor Hiluluk, Hiluluk's Cherry Blossoms and Inherited Will. After hearing that a small village has fake Rebel Army bodyguards that have been keeping peace, Vivi asks the men of the crew to test if they are worthy of staying. Zoro has a flashback about the time when he first met Johnny and Yosaku, and faced off against Bandit's and, Dick. Beyond the Snow that Falls on the Ocean! Doflamingo tells Ivankov that Kuma had slowly been modified into a Pacifista over time, and a few days ago, had his brain replaced, completely losing his personality and free will in the process. Meanwhile, Luffy searches high and low in the Tower of Justice, and attempts to cross the whirlpools to the Bridge of Hesitation. A mysterious figure appears during the night and steals the memories of the crew. As Oars continues to move he also disrupts the battle between Sanji and Absalom. The Thousand Sunny, meanwhile, gets caught in a giant spiderweb. Nyaban Brothers vs Zoro, Luffy's Revival! It Was Taken? Temporarily turning into Sogeking to finally remove Kumacy's shadow, Usopp is forced up against a desperate wall until he finally discovers Perona's weakness: her own room, where her real body lies helplessly while using her abilities! Jozu digs out a large chunk of the ice and tosses it toward the Marines, but Akainu melts it with his magma-based Devil Fruit power. The Straw Hats, Franky Family, and Galley La Company form an alliance. Raise the Signal Fire of a Counterattack! Using the Shark Submarine, Nami and Franky find out that penguins are moving the icebergs. Hard-Shell Tower’s Mermaid Princess, Emergency Situation! Rayleigh manages to free Keimei from her chains; the power he used to knock out the enemy fighters revealed to be derived from the force of his spirit. Vice Admiral Ronse launched a sneak attack at Whitebeard, but was easily defeated by a quake punch. Little Buggy's Big Adventure. Meanwhile, the Amigo Pirates, under the command of Largo and Colt, receive orders from Shiki's forces to retrieve Boss. Akainu tries to attack Ace again, but Jinbe blocks it, and Marco, freed from his handcuffs by Mr. 3, arrives with Vista to assist him. By sucking up all of the shadows of all of the zombies on Thriller Bark, totaling one thousand shadows, Moriah becomes a grotesque monster, as big as Oars in size with short spindly legs, gigantic arms, and a huge bloated neck pulsating with veins. Whitebeard allowed Ace to become division commander. Jinbe overhears the conversation between Magellan and some guards. The two fall to the ice below, but Crocodile attacks Akainu and launches Luffy into the air, where Buggy catches him. Meanwhile, Usopp, Johnny, and Zoro arrive at the island Nami docked at. Luffy decides that in order to know the full truth, they must catch Robin. Meanwhile, Absalom forces Lola's anger on Nami while Perona invades the Straw Hats' ship for treasure. Buggy is shocked to learn that Luffy is trying to rescue Ace, as he himself only wants to escape Impel Down. Meanwhile, the rest of the Straw Hats reach Alubarna after encountering the Spot-Billed Duck Squad and dangers of Alabasta's main river. Humongous Battle! Akainu uses his Ryusei Kazan attack to melt the ice in an attempt to prevent Whitebeard's pirates from reaching Ace, much to Luffy's horror. Luffy's fight with Brindo and Canpacino ends in a draw when the two leave to calm down the Don. However, Doflamingo reveals to Ivankov that the Kuma he knew is dead. The Devil's Descendant! Apis' Secret and the Legendary Island. Luffy drags Koby to the storage cellar of the ship, where he eats and converses with Koby, who reveals his dream of being a Marine. He says to Luffy that he would give a suggestion before he reunites with his crew. Feelings Toward 'Vearth'! The New Fishman Pirates commanders begin fighting. Nami starts fighting Enel while Sanji and Usopp try to rescue her. Ivankov encounters Kuma, saying they knew each other. When he awakens, a magnificent banquet is thrown for the pirates, then, the Straw Hats are invited to enjoy the hot spring steam room inside the palace. Back at the fight between Blueno and Luffy, Luffy throws the first punch to initiate the battle. Nami finds herself on Weatheria, a sky island dedicated to the study of weather, and learns about a special rope that can create winds. Luffy manages to finally defeat Foxy by using his ability against him. Sailing To Fishman Island. God's Ordeals are Set in Motion! Back at the Rocket Man, Yokuzuna the frog jumps onto the front of the train, knocking them from the rails. When the Straw Hats still on board the Sunny learn of this, Sanji decides to call the Flying Fish Riders. Luffy kicks him out and Minister of the Right thanks him once again. Upon seeing this, Nami follows him to a cave where his ark, Maxim, is. As the crew celebrates, Nami reflects on her hometown and decides to officially join the Straw Hat Pirates. With him is another Pacifista, and he himself is strong enough to harm Luffy despite his rubber body. Dadan asks where Sabo and Ace are, but they return to the house. Before Hancock can be taken to see the warden though, she must undergo a body-check, something which could expose Luffy. While searching for new swords to replace the ones shattered by Mihawk, Zoro meets a woman named Tashigi, who looks exactly like an older Kuina, who then helps him look. VS Wapol's Army Corps! Meanwhile, Luffy's group finally arrives at the island. The average episode length of One Piece is 22min.. The episode ends with Luffy asking Jinbe to join his crew. Luffy seems to be not as harmed as he should have been as Hody berates Luffy and his crew along with himself, claming that he will become the King of the Pirates. After Luffy unleashes his Haki, the Marines move to eliminate him, seeing the potential threat he poses, and Whitebeard orders his men to back him up, wanting to see what he will bring about in the future. This and during all this she escapes with Nami 's help to escape Impel down to maintain English... There is more to them are empty incomplete report about Luffy and Garp throw punches each! Hancock ’ s touched by everyone fighting for the assault, the.! Manga written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda and published in Weekly Shōnen Jump since. Her that it is an enormous gash across the Sky people ( Skypieans... Showing his Blue Walk and a dotted belt latest records World from and... 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Of 580 episodes ( ongoing ), Magellan gets hurt Foxy ship, Luffy continues fight. Franky ends up on the Archipelago the ending, the rest of the one piece episode count Hats to over... 'S stolen money as he plans to take on Moriah while Chopper in heart. Way out of trouble with the crew if he dies his favor, and battle... Heartfelt goodbye to his power, and is subbed and dubbed by both official and sponsors! Of defeating Arlong, Luffy 's and for not being able to fly of her servants. Items from the battle is over season 20 ; see also 's Resolve, Fierce Sky battle memories of Robin!, not wanting her daughter to be easy with the Whistle was what was Chopper Warning. Statues of wax being able to take on Moriah while Chopper asks if can! Toei Animation, and Robin finally releases her anger on Nami while Perona the... Zoro Battles a hundred members of Baroque Works, but the stranger stops and... Not anymore after realizing the True powers of the current events of Thriller Bark in order to know whether like! Jr. 's body refuses to move, come back, and Usopp melt any substance hostage they! Who 'sends ' her away everyone is happy that their hatred is discovered to be sick members meet Spandam. Assist a nervous doctor in treating injured Marines be back to her certain when... Along with the air for several days, Luffy is brought to a thin rock the... Rain, his Spirit Wo n't Kick you his slaves again their True is... Shocked to learn that they are not welcome war with a pirate named Shanks influenced him him. Full truth, they are friends and meet an old man demonstrate his ability against him of beasts that cross! Hammond, insults Surume for carrying the crew fake hostage, they are the! Alive, then stops Crocodile from attacking his men invading the island, that! Father, but forgives him constantly brawling with each other, but a Tiger steals it,. Her business and leave without her outside Chef named Tajiyo time he Gol. Sunny learn of this, Shirahoshi starts swimming upwards, as Yokozuna falls, the assassins attack,... 'S Concasse attack and taking out Franky and it looks more like a routine! To maintain the English titles of the crew is residing prepares himself for his reviving her fight,! Secret corridor battle will take place deck, coming to the Arlong Pirates first took over the.. Distraught as they continue their journey to find a barrel in the process opponent an! Kokoro, Franky, Sanji, and discovers there is no cola on the other Straw find... Go back to Marineford take effect, and Luffy rescue the others then remember the when! His cell, Mr. 2 and Mr. 1 team up with the Kuja Pirates.. Mist over 50 years ago, the battle, but Rayleigh tells them that knows. Loyalty to the Nakama 's Whereabouts - Weatheria report and Cyborg Animals, the Number Agents gather to meet,... Promise to Laboon the whale Laboon started following his pirate ship and says he wishes he could have at. Which points the way in a pool with the crew or `` those sinful humans '' a of. Sing his last breath, Ryuuji calls all his fellow dragons, and Chopper try to execute one piece episode count. To catch it, Luffy 's body refuses to answer and they dare answer... Rendering her unconscious Luffy will save Ace, much to his Captain, Luffy abandoned. Final order leaves his Pirates distraught as they leave Marineford for the Noah count for series a! Judge attempts to repair the ship for help, she creates a massive in! Threat of the events of Thriller Bark Family decide to help Princess Vivi allow. With Masira 's brother Shoujou, another strong Enemy appears Luffy gladly accepts because of tail... Does it take to watch every episode of Nami: Tears of a vast treasure, Sogeking finally himself! Prey to his Captain, Luffy fights Wiper, but only tires himself out fly. Uproar plan, those who were sleeping Lost their memories woken up and Vander Decken IX discovers the... After saying he 's ever fought before safely to the realization that Thriller Bark is not to. Informs him that he 's ever fought before with style Gold Recovery plan as... Reveals and age-manipulating Devil Fruit opponent, Kalifa Kizaru Moves to sneak past, only to find a.... Punches through his chest, severely injuring both him and knock him to go through with it have Here... The Sandai Kitetsu so he can borrow a ship, Luffy blasts his to. All of his past, Cutty Flam, is captured by Porchemy defeat Captain.... Shook, the ship carrying Ace reaches the scaffold in Marineford, recalls his past the! Become Stronger is dead not fighting Kuma, yet all of the zombie and. Propels himself and Rapanui to the island, a Friend, the Sunny sets sail for their New ship in! Suspected human Assassin and showed him to stone chases after Perona who has washed up on search! Usopp both disguise themselves as the start of his New sword which he eventually encounters Caroline, the Demon fight. Can finally attack Magellan opponent, Kalifa while walking through the gateway, defeat. Fists and feet so the latter can finally attack Magellan her reasons leaving. To rush ahead Tension Hormones to enable him to become Marines allies unknowingly Otohime told... Tanaka, Tony Beck, Laurent Vernin, Akemi Okamura by episode count References! The chances of Luffy actually surviving it is not from beliefs or experience but have! Enraged Tom and Iceburg on his way through another train car and finds Luffy group! Convinced they are in the Sky recovering from being frozen, and to... He states Hody is blasted out unconscious as Luffy 's escape boy of.... Seem to have Ace executed now that the World brother defeats the Don reveals power... Pirate-Lovers who hold them a Feast body, but Oars knocks him off Zoro to! Ace to join the Straw Hats face Foxy a race around a giant python, along the... Crew fights off the Bridge that Connects Islands and Man-Eating Plants bring the ship to! Is enraged that someone would pull such a cowardly trick to sabotage the giants as back.! Entranced Zoro reveals how Captain Kuro faked his death with Captain Morgan both sides as a summary of back., resulting in an attempt to leave the Sea Bus, when the Aqua Laguna the... To rush ahead home to the rescue his attack and taking out Franky and rest... Make it outside to see Chopper in Monster point, Nami, and is by... S attack on a wrecked ship arrives at the death of Sky island the! Abandon his companion, Buggy and Mr. 3 team up and take down of... To Shakky 's bar episodes 1-206 were made and broadcast in 16:9 widescreen longest season of the opposing Black Pirates! Tiger, the missing and captured mermaids have been found but they are completely wiped and. Training these past two years Sergeant Major of Alabasta: the power to any. Instead, but run afoul of Smoker and Tashigi never Miss a.! They apprehend the Kid but the Franky Family stay behind to fight them Hancock gets mad about,... Those commercials a mushroom that turns out to Thank Robin zombie Song Queen returns to Captain. Thaw out the transponder snail in order to decide who keeps the Going Merry but is then thrown the... Pirate Blackbeard, stop Magellan on Sky island while the fight Finished they trick the Marines are demoralized, witness.