The amber yields such things as fallen flowers, perfect catkins of oak, pollen grains and fungi. The tales that grains of wheat found in the cerements of Egyptian mummies have been planted and come to maturity are no longer credited, for the vital principle in the wheat berry is extremely evanescent; indeed, it is doubtful whether wheat twenty years old is capable of reproduction. alumina grains most of the laboratory IS grains appear to have formed around carbon rich stars. Sheep Sheep is found all over the world. The word "grains" was early used, as also in French, of the small seed-like insects supposed formerly to be the berries of trees, from which a scarlet dye was extracted (see COCHINEAL and KERMES). piece of gold; the word has nothing to do with the name of Darius), a gold piece of 130 grains (value about 23s. Variations on a Few Sentences by Can Xue. River water, especially that which has received town sewage, or the drainage of highly manured land, would naturally be considered most suitable for irrigation, but excellent results are obtained also with waters which are uncontaminated with manurial matters, and which contain but 8 or io grains per gallon of the usual dissolved constituents of spring water. in length; the panicles are contracted and dense, and the grains, which are enclosed in husks and. It is also found in the form of rolled lumps and grains, "stream tin," in alluvial gravels; the latter are secondary deposits, the products of the disintegration of the first-named primary deposits. servings of whole grains in your diet, use whole-wheat flour in your recipes instead of white flour. The principal crops are African grains, wheat, onions, cotton, tobacco, indigo, with sugar-cane, cassava, &c. The population is chiefly agricultural, but also commercial and industrial. nitrate of silver, 200 grains; distilled water, 3 ounces. The standard was the silver mina of Carchemish (as the Assyrians called it) which contained 8656 grains. The gastrointestinal system of cats has difficulty digesting grains. Similarly there will be a size above which gravitational attraction to the comet exceeds the gas pressure trying to detach the grains. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. At home, the kitchen was a pleasant place. Whereas "a few" implies a small number of some that is greater than two, "few" implies only a small number.Other words, like "very" or "quite," may also come before "a few" or "few" and further change sentence … I always put a little milk in my tea. First, it's much quicker-cooking than other whole grains. 4. The ferri et quininae citras, one of the "scale preparations" of iron, is given as a haematinic and tonic in doses of about to grains. You are offline. Liquid water is the basic requirement for life, and Earth's abundant supply supports millions of organisms. In the medical papyrus (38) a weight of 2/3rds kat is used, which is thought to be Syrian; now 2/3 kat = 92 to 101 grains, or just this weight which we have found in Syria; and the weights of 2/3 and 1/3 kat are very rare in Egypt except at Defenneh (29), on the Syrian road, where they abound. Here are some examples on how to write ten sentences about Halloween or short paragraph in English. It doesn't make sense to buy an expensive wood such as cherry or mahogany and then just paint over it so you can't see the grains of the wood. Whatever matrix is used, it is almost invariably "diluted" with sand, the grains of which become coated with the finer particles of the matrix. Read more. Isotopic analysis of silicon carbide grains from meteorites (Anders and Zinner 1993) indicate characteristics of slow neutron capture reminiscent of AGB stars. Detailed assessment identified oak charcoal along with traces if charred cereal grains which included oat, barley and wheat along with fused plant ash. Rad Cat is an alternative for owners who want to cut out all by-products and grains from their feline's diet. By this means the mean temperature of the brass was raised through about 70° Fahr., while the amount of metal abraded was only 837 grains. He had a right to a few quirks. (Simple sentence) 3. Similarly, when white Emily Henderson (long pollen grains) is crossed with white Emily Henderson (round pollen grains), the offspring wholly consists of the reversionary purple type, and sometimes wholly of a red bicolor form known as "Painted Lady.". long, the grains thinner and longer than in the two-rowed race, and the awns stiff and firmly adhering to the flowering glume. Hypodermic injection of strychnine, in some cases as much as one to two grains (but not into a vein! Thus, prior exposure to a temperature materially above Ac 3 coarsens the structure of most steel, in the sense of giving it, when cold a coarse fracture, and enlarging the grains of pearlite, &c., later found in the slowly cooled metal. The leading imports are grains, flour, lard and various other foodstuffs, coal, lumber, petroleum and machinery, all mainly from the United States; wines and olive oil from Spain; jerked beef from South America; fabrics and other staples from varied sources. 3. ... George opened his _____ only to find a few necessities such as three cans of beans, matches, and a pocket knife. A spectral feature near 10 microns is evidence for small amorphous silicate grains. Where is the if-clause (e.g. SHENZHEN, China (Reuters) - A Chinese court sentenced 10 Hong Kong activists to between seven months and three years in jail on Wednesday for illegally crossing the border, in a case that has drawn international attention and concern over the … Example: The blue water in Greece is beautiful declarative, period . Menu. In the above sentences, so, many, very, enough and most words are adjective of quantity as they are showing the amount of noun. Turning to coinage, we find this often, but usually overlooked as a degraded form of the Persian 86 grains siglos. Some people also train parrots for amazing things. many/much . QUANTIFIERS - countable/uncountable nouns ... a few/a little. Flour mills are found in every part of the country, the maize and other grains being ground for home consumption. Of the suspended substances, grains of caoutchouc, drops of resin and oil, proteid crystals and starch grains may be mentioned. Nachani (Eleusine coracana) and kodra (Paspalum scrobiculatum), inferior grains grown on the hill-sides, furnish food to the Kolis, Bhils, Waralis, and other aboriginal tribes. There is only one sample that comprises just barley chaff with no grains. water and it's very handy. Prior to 1691, however, Dr John Clayton, dean of Kildare, filled bladders with inflammable gas obtained by the distillation of coal, and showed that on pricking the bladders and applying a light to the escaping gas it burnt with a luminous flame, and in 1726 Stephen Hales published the fact that by the distillation of 158 grains of Newcastle coal, 180 cub. A beautiful set of multiples of the scripulum was found near Lyons (38), from 1 to 10 x 17.28 grains, showing a libra of 4976. weight made of brass, 2 grains in excess are allowed; on 1 oz. There are many celebrations in the world. Given in large doses it causes rapid and characteristic poisoning, with alterations in the blood and rapid degeneration of nearly all the internal organs; but in small doses-5 to 15 grains - it partly undergoes reduction in the blood and tissues, the chloride being formed and oxygen being supplied to the body-cells in nascent form. The finest agricultural land in the United States is near the lake, and there is an immense trade in all grains, fruits, livestock and lumber, and in products such as flour, pork, hides, leather goods, furniture, &c. Rich lead and copper mines abound, as also salt, iron and coal. High glycemic grains: Refined wheat, rice, and corn — including all breads, pastas, and cereals made from them. In Offa's time a new gold coin, the mancus, resembling in standard the Roman solidus (about 70 grains), was introduced from Mahommedan countries. They are present from the beginning of the development of the cell-wail, and arise from the spindle fibres, all of which may be continued as connecting threads (endosperm of Tamus communis), or part of them may be overlaid by cellulose lamellae (endosperm of Lilium Martagon), or they may be all overlaid as in pollen mother-cells and pollen grains of Helleborus foetidus. The temperature of the springs varies from about 57° F. Saginaw is situated in a good farming region with a fertile soil, especially adapted to the culture of sugar beets; other important crops are beans, cabbages, tomatoes, cucumbers, hay, apples and grains. A few, a little, fewer, less.Free grammar exercises online. It is therefore better to wash out the stomach, and this should be done, if possible, with a solution containing about ten grains of salt to each ounce of water. The official dose of powdered colchicum is 2 to 5 grains, which may be given in a cachet. I'll be back in a few minutes. An optional grain mill attachment is available for grinding grains into flour. Originally derived by the Hittites from Babylonia, but modified by themselves, this standard was passed on to the nations of Asia Minor during the period of Hittite conquest, but was eventually superseded by the Phoenician mina of 11,225 grains, and continued to survive only in Cyprus and Cilicia (see also Numismatics). In connexion with cheese dairies pigs are largely fed on sour whey thickened with mixed meal produced from any or all of the grains or pulses, the choice depending upon the market price. The quality of these coins (weighing about 81 grains troy) was low, and at last deteriorated so much that the Tibetans deserted the Nepal mints. In recent years the cultivation of oil-seeds has received an extraordinary stimulus owing to the demand for export to Europe, especially to France; but as they can be grown after rice, &c., as a second crop, this increase has hardly at all tended to diminish the production of food grains. Then at Abydus, or more probably from Babylonia, there is the large bronze lion-weight, stated to have been originally 400,500 grains; this has been continually divided by 60 by different writers, regardless of the fact (Rev. The dried insect has the form of irregular, fluted and concave grains, of which about 70,000 go to a pound. Small grains of an unknown variety have been found in the ancient tombs of Peru, and Darwin found heads of maize embedded on the shore in Peru at 85 ft. the distinguishing characters of which are based on the grains or kernels; there are, in addition, forms of horticultural interest grown for ornament. deep and its waters are of extraordinary purity (containing only three grains of solid matter to the gallon). fibreanic grains are a rich source of dietary fiber. Merchant's pound of 7200 grains, from France and Germany, also superseded. Free MP3 sounds to play and download. What does few mean? There are many furrows in the sand where some creature has travelled about and doubled on its tracks; and, for wrecks, it is strewn with the cases of caddis-worms made of minute grains of white quartz. In Syria, as early as the 15th century B.C., the tribute of the Rutennu, of Naharaina, Megiddo, Anaukasa, &c. (34), is on a basis of 454-484 kats, or 300 shekels (1/10 talent) of 226 grains. In central Alberta coarse grains - oats and barley - and some wheat are grown, in conjunction with mixed farming. According to Ross, it should be given promptly, in sufficient doses (up to 30 grains), and should be continued for months. On the tableland a great variety of grains and vegetables are cultivated. Grains can be rolled, crushed, or cracked. Worksheets > Grammar > Grade 2 > Sentences. It means “a small amount” or “some”. In actuality, it goes back even further when in 1829 Reverend Sylvester Graham toured the country preaching the gospel of whole grains. Among the Battas of Sumatra rice or grain is sprinkled on the head of a man who returns from a dangerous enterprise, and in the latter case the grains are called padiruma tondi, " means to make the soul (tondi) stay at home.". How to use who in a sentence. It is provided with ' four weights, marked I, 2, 3, 4, and weighing respectively 20, 40, 61 and 84 grains, which can be attached to the shank of the instrument at C (fig. Barley is the most hardy of all cereal grains, its limit of cultivation extending farther north than any other; and, at the same time, it can be profitably cultivated in sub-tropical countries. Ale gallon of 1601 = 282 cub. Under the microscope, an anther can be seen to have many spherical to ellipsoidal pollen grains on its surface. I can work to fix this with only a few short sentences. They do not represent the opinions of English: A few, a little, few, little. But: fewer grains of salt, fewer grains of sand, fewer ambiguities. Definition of few in the dictionary. ); 4 drachms to 1/2 oz. The "tola" (180 grains) is properly the Government unit of weight for currency; and 80 tolas make the "Government seer.". c.g, Chromatoid grains; v, vacuole; l.s, fold or striation. See all reviews. A dull stony-looking rock results, the vitreous lustre having entirely disappeared, and in microscopic section this exhibits a cryptocrystalline structure, being made up of exceedingly minute grains principally of quartz and felspar. dolomite crystals are never seen to form polycrystalline aggregates or concretions, or ever to envelop the adjacent silicate grains. Millet and sesame are the principal grains cultivated. Add the rice and cook gently until the grains begin to turn translucent. The Studio Coordinates Collection allows you to choose from, lush metal finishes, wood grains and popular paints. What is the meaning of a few grains of rice in a bowl in Chinese and how to say a few grains of rice in a bowl in Chinese? Here are cultivated rich crops of millet and other grains. How To Use A little, little A few, few in English, Example Sentences Table of Contents Using A littleUsing littleUsing A fewUsing few Using A little A little is used with positive quantity and non-countable nouns. administered in doses of 30 grains, with a tablespoonful of peppermint water. Could you spare me a few minutes? Eat lots of whole grains and keep your plate balanced. The priest now throws some grains of rice upon the heads of the married pair in token of wishing them abundance; bouquets of flowers are handed to the assembled guests, and rosewater is showered upon them. 21 the sand rests on small gravel of such degree of coarseness that the whole of the grains would be retained on a sieve of a-in.,mesh and rejected by a sieve of z-in. Do n't keep cooked rice and grains for longer than two days and do n't reheat them more than once. The ripe ears of the last hang so as to become almost parallel with the stem; they are narrower and longer than in (b), owing to the grains being placed farther apart on the rachis; it includes the Chevalier variety, one of the best for malting purposes. 10 microns is evidence for small amorphous silicate grains. a reliable supply of high-quality organic at. Than in the most extensively used grains in your body Question 3 in a cat 's diet mud... Actuality, it contains an introductory paragraph, body, and boiled rice, food! Perhaps from collisions with dust grains may provide the shelter for molecules to form sand grains are staple,! I always put a little milk in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis or phthisis fewer.... In to talk to you in a few necessities such as brown rice you learn the between! Rating ) using a few rose-quartz grains. `` coinage, we find this often, but it so! Grains give you fuel to go and fiber to keep everything flowing regular in your body in. 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