Apply the leaves to wounds or insect bites as it possess antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. … It is not only good for your skin but is also helpful for your tummy too. It contains a number of antioxidants. Help to treat asthma. Let us first understand the drumstick or moringa benefits for health in brief. A study by Das N, Sikder K et al in 2012 showed that extract the drumstick leaves contains many potential substances  such as sillymarin that can increase the liver enzyme function. Grown in almost all tropical and sub-tropical regions, this fast-growing, drought-resistant tree is native to southern … Drumstick leaves contain potassium mineral which can control the blood pressure. Health Benefits of Drumstick Leaves – … Never underestimate the benefits of drumstick leaves for health because it’s not only good for keeping your body but it also benefits and uses to induce lactation after giving birth. Cancer is one of serious disease which now becomes a nightmare for every people because still there is no effective cure to permanently remove cancer cells from the body. A study by Afzal Sheikh et al from Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh which published in Asian Pacific Journal of  Tropical Biomedicine, 2014 reported that the extract of drumstick leaves can reduce the effect of arsenic which usually found in food, drinking water and soil. You can make the drumstick leaves as a soup to treat asthma. Health Benefits Of Drumstick Leaves Powder – Drumsticks word also has a lot of meanings. Controls Blood Sugar Levels: Arsenic toxicity can cause many health problems such as hyperkeratosis, dermatitis, cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, diabetes and even some types of cancer. You can pressure cook for 2 whistles and y minutes … Potassium is a mineral which can lower the blood pressure. This disease can be caused by several problems including high cholesterol food consumption. Drumstick leaves is a good dietary fiber which can help to digest the food well. But one should know that the leaves of drumstick is also healthier as the vegetable. It also help the intestine to clean the tract from any harmful substance and improve the good bacteria growth inside it. All of these nutrients bring the health benefit of drumstick leaves as follow: Drumstick leaves are rich in vitamin A. It’s 4 times richer than carrot content. It contains many nutrients such as iron, zinc, omega 3 and other substances that known as brain enhancer. Later, the leaves of drumstick plant became so popular and being researched by many health experts in the world. The next health benefits of drumstick leaves are related to human eyes. It helps to prevent constipation that may happen. It reduces the blood sugar levels that helps in burning body fat. Drumstick leaves which commonly known as Moringa Olivera leaves have been researched recently for any medical purposes. Some countries in the world also use this plant as a vegetable and include it in the diet, while it is also reported that many African can survive by only eating the leaves during starvation days. Moringa Oleifera is the scientific name for the popular drumstick tree. Always remember to consume it in a proper amount, once a day of 1 cup drumstick leaves is already enough. The miracle of the drumstick leaves for skin comes from the sitokinin, a hormone can keep healthy and young skin. Drumstick leaves is a super food which very beneficial for human brain. It … This is the best vitamin source to boost your immune system and prevent you from several diseases like common cold, cough, fever, or any other infections. The anti-inflammation action and its antioxidant content will help to treat acnes on your face well. A study which conducted by Rugers University in US found that drumstick leaves also contains an active substance called isothiocyanate that can prevent the body from absorbing fat or cholesterol which you consume in daily basis. Moringa leaves have... 2. All content is informational purpose only, does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. It is also mentioned that the effect of drumstick leaves also benefits in fasten the wound healing effect outside and inside the body. Prevent Diabetes. Drumstick leaves have the power to control the blood sugar level by it essential amino acids content and fiber. Consuming drumstick leaves regularly can seriously help the detoxification process of the liver inside the body. The health benefits of drumstick leaves will help you get rid of many medical problems. Medicinal Uses & Health Benefits of Drumstick Leaves or Muringayila. a study conducted by Gupta R et al in 2002 which published in Journal of Diabetes, India mentioned that the extract of drumstick leaves posses anti-diabetic and antioxidant substances which bring health benefits of drumstick leaves for diabetes patient. It is helpful in treating bacterial or fungal infections. It Helps Fight Acne The leaves of drumstick or moringa are rich in fibre and contain an antioxidant called chlorogenic acid that helps to burn fat. Treating edema. Moringa has almost all important vitamins and minerals which contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes. It helps to protect the heart from diseases such as carditis (inflammation of the heart because of several infections). There are so many active substance in drumstick leaves which make it possible to cure many health problem in human. So, we are discussing Moringa Health Benefits for Men. Fresh juice of Drumstick Leaves are helpful in treating Ear Infection, Eye Infection and Scurvy. It also has calcium, protein, iron, and amino acids, which help your body heal and build muscle. Fugli LJ, 1999 mentioned in his book “The Miracle Tree, Moringa oleifera: Natural Nutrition For The Tropics” that the leaves of drumstick contains more than 40 kinds of antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation such as a glycoside component, rhamnose. It can help the body to destroy the kidney stone and flush away the stone crystal by increase the urination output. Protecting and nourishing skin and hair. This mineral is absolutely needed to keep the healthy bone. High blood cholesterol is linked with an increased risk of heart disease. Even the health benefits of drumstick leaves are undoubted, the leaves also can possess some side effect especially if someone consume it in high dose or after a long years of consumption. Health benefits of drumstick leaves. It also contain high vitamin C and antioxidant that prevent the skin from any aging sign including wrinkle formation. Want to know more about the health benefits of drumstick leaves? Diabetes is another fatal disease which it’s patients rate increasing year by year. It is best to be consumed during pregnancy or after delivery. High blood sugar increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Drumstick leaves also has benefits as natural food color and even in Indonesia, the leaves of drumstick plant being used to take away black magic or evil spirit from someone’s body. This mineral helps the red blood cell formation and prevents the body from anemia condition. What are the benefits? This great source of vitamin A will protect your eyes to stay healthy, keep them from any eyes diseases like cataracts or decrease in visual acuity. It is natural energy booster which is sustainable as it is not based on sugar. Drumstick leaves anti-inflammatory effect can help to treat arthritis and relieve its pain sensation. Immune system is one part of our body which is so important to defend and protect the body from disease and pathogen. It fights free radicals. … Disclaimer | Term of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact. Control blood glucose levels– Drumstick leaves are known for their antihyperglycaemic effects, which makes it … The juice of moringa leaves is said to be an excellent cure for earaches, headache, diarrhea, anemia, difficult menses, eye diseases and so on. Consuming drumstick leaves regularly can be a good idea to treat hypertension but do not forget to consult your doctor first. The omega 3 content of the leaves is able to eliminate and absorb the cholesterol from the body, so it will not have a chance to build the plaque inside the blood vessel wall. Drumstick leaves help a lot in getting rid of the dandruff problem. It works by affecting vasopressin, a hormone which regulating  the blood vessels enlargement. The... 3. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It has not being forgotten to be mentioned that the leaves also can be very beneficial for skin and hair. 1. This disease is mostly caused by lack insulin sensitivity and high level of sugar consumption. As we know, consuming green leaf vegetable is very beneficial for maintaining good vision since it contains Vitamin A and beta carotene. Antioxidants fight free radicals, molecules that cause oxidative stress, cell … ), 5 Surprising Health Benefits of Kegel Exercise for Women, Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Eating Black Rice, 8 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Red Rice, 4 Outstanding Health Benefits of Eating Brown Rice for Pregnant Woman, Simply Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Brown Rice. Top 20 Secret Health Benefits of Papaya Seeds, 10+ Health Benefits of Malunggay Leaves More than Others, 7 Incredible Health Benefits of Soursop Leaves for Healing, 19 Health Benefits of Pandan Leaves that You Might Not Aware, 10 Surprising Facts about Benefits of Kamias for Human Health, 15+ Remarkable Health Benefits of Lipton Tea, 15 Amazing Health Benefits of Essiac Tea For Cancer Patient, 15 Health Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract for Peacefull Mind Body, Top 19 Scientific Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil Are Revealed, 15 Incredible Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea for Digestive, 12 Marvelous Health Benefits of Urine Therapy. They are rich in multiple important nutrients, such as protein, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and iron. The leaves of the plant have been used in ayurveda medicinal purposes and spread out to other countries in the world. Learn how your comment data is processed. Drumstick leaves act as the detoxifying agent which can purify blood and remove the toxic substances out of the body. Apart from the fruit, the leaves of drumsticks are also very nutritious and carry a plethora of health benefits too. It has been proven scientifically that the power of drumstick leaves in strengthen immune system is not a joke. Naturally loaded with calcium and iron, drumstick leaves are essential for healthy bones. You can boil the drumstick leaves with salt and eat them for 15 days to get rid of this problem. Cholesterol is a fat substance that can induce the plaque formation inside the blood vessel which resulting in high blood pressure, damage of heart cells and lead to heart attack. It helps to prevent constipation that may happen. Fresh pods and seeds are a great source of oleic acid, a … Kidney stone is a crystallization form of cholesterol, calcium, bile pigment or other substances in the body which occurs in the human urinary tract and it cause sharp pain during urination. Its properties help to reduce the sudden spike of blood sugar levels in your body. Benefits and uses of drumstick leaves nowadays is commonly known in drug manufacture, and animal feed. Protecting the liver. The zinc content of drumstick leaves is a part of many hormones and neurotransmitters which responsible in brain function while the omega 3 content of the leaves can help to improve memory and cognitive function of the brain. Drumstick leaves provide these nutrients to prevent hair loss. In case of conjunctivitis, grind its leaves and tie the cake of the paste on the eyes. Drumstick leaves is a good dietary fiber which can help to digest the food well. Besides its function to keep your healthy bone, the calcium content in drumstick leaves is very helpful in the development of fetal bone and teeth during pregnancy. Of all the parts of the drumstick tree, the leaves are the most nutritious. It also protects the liver from early damage which can be caused by high fat consumption or other cause of the liver disease. The poultice of drumstick leaves is useful to halt bleeding from grazes and small cuts. Some study which conducted by researchers in Africa show that the anemia symptoms in pregnant women can be cured by the Moringa oleifera consumption and the effect is also very positive to anemia sufferer. 18 health benefits of drumstick leaves have been explained above. … It is an excellent source of multivitamin and protein which is incomparable to other trees (used for the medicinal purpose). Moringa oleifera or drumstick leaves can be potential super food which consumed as vegetable. They help to improve the nervous system function and keep you from the nervous system disorder symptom like tingling or numbness of your limbs. May alleviate erectile dysfunction. Drumstick leaves are very beneficial for our skin and hair, today we are going to tell you about the benefits of drumstick leaves, so let's know. One more potential health benefits of drumstick leaves that should be mention, it’s protection against toxicity especially arsenic toxicity. In 2008, a health organization in America, National Institute of Health or NIH also mentioned this plant as a mysterious one which comes from Asia. It is very common nowadays since people used to leave the vegetable and healthy food consumption behind. Drumstick vegetable and drumstick leaves are known to have several health benefits. We may have known about the benefits of Drumstick as it’s one of the healthiest vegetable. When it comes to drumstick trees, it is said that the entire tree is beneficial for us in multiple ways. It is recommended to consume drumstick leaves at least thrice a week for diabetes patient. We know that breastfeeding is very important since the milk delivers many nutrient which required by the infant. 5 Health Benefits of Drumstick Leaves 1. In 100 gram moringa leaf contains at about 7564 IU units of vitamin A which is enough to fulfill the daily requirement. It comes from the anti-inflammatory agent in drumstick leaves which can prevent the edema or inflammation of airway in asthma. Since health benefits of drumstick leaves are so powerful, people used to call the drumstick leaves as magic leaves. In Southern India, it is a common practice to include this veggie as part of their lunch or breakfast. Let’s take a look. You can add other ingredients like lemon, honey, turmeric, or any herbal plants that you want to make a delicious taste. Which woman will resist this miracle? A research by Yu Yang et al in 2012 found that active substances in drumstick leaves can boost immune system and has immunomodulatory effect in the human body. To avoid those side effects, you can consult a doctor before consuming. Help in fetal bone and teeth development. The health benefits of drumstick leaves can also protect your heart from bad cholesterol effect. Drumstick leaves contain vitamin C seven times greater than orange fruit. Drumstick leaves benefits You will be amazed at the % of the nutritional value of drumstick leaves alone which have Ayurveda, anti-bacterial and detoxifying properties. Because of this health benefits of drumstick leaves, many drug manufactures creates supplements which contain the extract of moringa leaves. High blood pressure or also known as hypertension is a condition which doesn’t show you any symptom but it can be very dangerous and lead to a fatal heart attack. Anemia is a health problem which caused by iron deficiency in the body. Constipation usually happened if you consume lack of fiber in your diet. Potassium controls the muscle contraction especially the heart muscle. It comes from the anti-inflammatory agent in drumstick leaves which can prevent the edema or inflammation of airway in asthma. Dried leaves or drumstick leaf tea effectively treats gastric ulcers and diarrhea. This leaves of the tree has been known as medicinal plant since long ago. 100 gram Moringa leaves powder contains at least 28 mg iron which is higher that the amount of iron in beef and other animal product. The drumstick leaves contain high amount of vitamin A even it’s four times higher than the vitamin A content in carrot. Check these out! Drumstick pods and leaves are a storehouse of essential nutrients, whereas the leaves are the most nutrient part of the plant and one of the finest sources of calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and magnesium. You can apply the juice of drumstick leaves. Moringa oleifera is a fairly large tree native to North India. This is why the health benefits of drumstick in fighting cancer is one of the most interesting topic for many experts. 2. Drumstick plant is considered as native plant from Agra and Tamil Nadu, India. Vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin C, and iron minerals in drumstick leaves are the crucial nutrients for the hair growth. But here Drumsticks are known to be stacked with nutrients since the good olden days of human existence. Drumstick Leaves Protects your liver. Also Read - 15 health benefits of methi or fenugreek seeds and leaves 1. The antioxidant content inside the leaves also can protect the brain cell from damage which caused by any free radical activity in the body. Moringa oleifera Is Very Nutritious. Drumstick tree or known as Moringa Oleifera is a plant which belongs to genus Moringa and family Moringaceae. Drumstick Leaves are atniinflammatory in nature. In other word, regular consumption of moringa leaves can help you to reduce the heart disease risk especially in elder age. Drumstick leaves act as an antioxidant which can fight against free radicals in the body. The leaves have 7 times more vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas. Edema is a painful condition where fluid builds up in specific tissues in the body. The second way, drumstick leaves act as the antioxidant which can prevent the inflammation of the heart. If this mineral is in enough amounts, the heart can work effectively and stay away from the heart disease. These nutrients can increase the secretion of insulin and protect the pancreas to do its job properly. The drumstick leaves contain high amount of antioxidant and vitamin C as well as zinc which can improve the immune cells activity and act as barrier of virus, bacteria or free radicals which enter the body. This become a primarily reason why many people start to consume drumstick leaves nowadays. For Eye disorders. To get rid of the acnes, you can apply the mixing of drumstick leaves juice with lemon juice on your face about 5 minutes and then wash it off. The side effects of drumstick leaves include the damage of liver and kidney, paralyze, also some light digestion problem. Health benefits of eating drumstick leaves are numerous. You can consume this herbal as a juice, make into soup, or boil them directly with a salt. Hence, treats gastritis, ulcerative … Want to lose weight fast? A research by Dillant, Germany in 2002 reported that drumstick leaves contain protein, Vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium, potassium, and also high in antioxidant including ascorbic acid, folic and fenolic. It could protect the liver. Consumption of drumstick leaves prevents risks relating to the heart diseases. Control the blood sugar level in diabetes. Think of your liver as the body's detoxifier. Drumstick leaves are commonly known to get therapeutic qualities and is also beneficial in dealing with asthma, wheezing and other respiratory system difficulties. Maybe you can try the health benefits of drumstick leaves which related to losing weight process. You should consume this plant at least twice a week to get this benefit. The health benefits of drumstick leaf to prevent the heart disease come in several mechanisms. Drumstick Benefits : Moringa is generally regarded as the world’s most nutritious trees in the world. Diabetes is another fatal disease which it’s patients rate increasing year by year. Add Moringa leaves or drumstick leaves in you are diet if you are suffering from a digestive disorder like gas, bloating, constipation, and ulcerative colitis. Moringa seed oil is beneficial for protecting hair against free radicals and... 2. Drumstick leaves have essential amino acids which can increase your appetite. What about the health benefits of drumstick for your skin and hair? Drumstick leaves are also rich in calcium minerals. You can drink the drumstick leaves as a juice or apply it directly to your scalp to get this benefit. Moringa Drumstick is a boon for people who have Diabetes. If the contraction of the heart is going well, the blood pressure will be under control. Treats Gastric Problems: Drum stick leaves are rich in Vitamin B. Regulates Cholesterol: 18 Amazing Benefits and Uses of Drumstick Leaves, Pass quality checked by advisor, read our quality control guidelance for more info, 21 Health Benefits of Eating Ewedu (#Evidence-Based), Top 10 Health Benefits of Black Walnut Leaves, 10 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Jackfruit Leaves, 11 Health Benefits of Young Barley Leaves (No.3 Amazing), 13 Health Benefits of Kaffir Lime Leaves (No.2 is Impressive! Want to know more nutritional values of drumstick leaves. 2. Around 100gms contains 157% of our daily requirement. The drumstick leaves contain high amount of antioxidant and vitamin C as well as zinc which can improve the immune cells activity and act as barrier of virus, bacteria or free radicals which enter the body. They are very small leaves in green color which have many nutrients contents, as follow: Besides those nutrients above, drumstick leaves have still other 80 nutrients and 46 antioxidants, such as vitamin A, potassium, essential amino acids, etc. Both human and... 3. Kidney stone can be very serious and leads to kidney failure if it doesn’t get any cure or concern. If you want to avoid any surgery after the doctor claimed that you have a gallstone or kidney stone inside your body, you can try this health benefits of drumstick leaves to cure your problem. It is also mentioned that the effect of drumstick leaves also benefits in fasten the wound healing effect outside and inside the body. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or keep an erection … A study by Sreelatha et al in 2011 which published in Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology reported that the extract of Moringa oleifera plant show an anti-proliferation and can induce apoptosis (cell suicide mechanism) on cancer cells. Some of the causes of high blood pressure are poor diet and physical inactivity. The leaves, bark, flowers, fruit, seeds, and root are used to make medicine. It helps in bone formation and strengthens the bones. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Drumstick leaves juice is best to be consumed by pregnant women because it contains the iron mineral. Research reported that the health benefits of drumstick leaves have been used by ancient Egyptian 4000 years ago and they call the plant as “Shagara Al Rauwaq” which means the pure plant. The health benefits of drumstick leaves in treating high blood pressure comes from the potassium content. It is also called as Moringa leaves and has immense medicinal value as it is a rich source of Vitamin a, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, folate, etc. It filters the blood, detoxifies … This can stop the growth of cancer cell and prevent the mutation of the normal cells. Drumstick leaves contain high amount of soluble and insoluble fiber that can enhance the digestion system also prevent and cure constipation. If you consume it in excessive amounts you will get diarrhea because of its laxative effect. As mentioned before that drumstick leaves are very rich in antioxidant, Vitamin C, zinc and other active substance which can fight against free radicals, some substances that can caused cancer and causing DNA damage in the cells. The drumstick leaves contain high amount of fiber that can stop food craving and help you stay full longer than usual after meal. It is also reported that vitamin D in drumstick leaves can increase the level and sensitivity of insulin in the body. Fiber is required in your digestion system in order to help the formation of feces and flush it out from the body. First, drumstick leaves contain potassium which can control the heart muscle contraction and make the heart can pump the blood smoothly. The leaves have good medicinal power and can cure many diseases it is reported.The leaves called as Moringa leaves are very very good for health. The popular drumstick tree on our health and hair called chlorogenic acid that helps in body... It doesn ’ t get any cure or concern help a lot meanings! Are discussing moringa health benefits of drumstick is also mentioned that the leaves of drumstick leaves can... Moringa are rich in multiple ways the vitamin E and protein which is so important defend. 157 % of our daily requirement light digestion problem make sure they clean from any harmful substance improve... 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